Chapter 2

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Don't freak out. Don't freak out. I kept repeating in my head. The last thing he wants is for me to fangirl all over him. Just say something! Anything!

"Er... Um.... Sorry about your um.. Shirt" I said. Really Abi? That's all you can say? Wow I'm a loser.

He chuckled. "It's fine. It was kinda old anyways.... Are you okay? Sorry about knocking you over." He apologised. He looked abit guilty. Aw! He is so cute! I could just stare at him all day. He put his sunglasses back on, incase anyone would recognise him I suppose, and-

He asked you a question Abi. Answer him already! I laughed nervously. "Haha, I'm fine thanks for asking."

"Hey, I'm a big fan. Can I have a picture please?" I asked a little nervous as I waited for him to reply.

"Ya sure" He smiled. Yay! I'm getting a picture with Niall Horan!

I took out my iPhone from my pocket to find it out of battery. "Shit" I cursed under my breath. I kept pressing the home button in the hope it would turn on but I knew it wouldn't. I frowned.

"What's wrong?" Niall asked leaning over my shoulder. I showed him my phone and he didn't really know what to look at.

"It's dead" I told him. "It's out of battery."

At this stage I was about to cry. I have finally met one of the boys and my phone chooses this moment to go out of battery? Well this is the best ever *note my sarcasm*. Sometimes my luck is not my friend. I mean-

"Sure we can use my phone" Niall suggested.

"What?" I didn't hear him because I was so lost in my thoughts. It's a habit of mine.

"I can take the picture with my phone and then I will put it on twitter. I will tag you in it."

"A-are you sure?"

"Ya it's no problem. Really" he smiled.

"Ok thanks!" I grinned. He took out his expensive looking phone and held it up in front of us.

"Smile!" He snapped the picture and showed it to me. I have to say I didn't look too bad. I grinned at the picture because I can't believe I got one! I looked up to see Niall staring at me and smiling. Oh my Oreos! Play it cool Abi.

"Oh hey what's your twitter name so I can tag you in the picture?" Niall asked me.

"Er... It's @abi_irishgurl" I told him.

"Ya I was thinking you were Irish. You have an accent" he smirked.

"Ya people always tell me that I have a strong Irish accent" And they do. Nearly everyone I meet can tell I'm from Ireland.

Niall smiled. By now he had my twitter name written down. And I know what that means. It means he has to go. Poo :(

"I never did get your name" He suddenly said.

He was asking for my name?! Oh. My. Gosh! What do I do? Well you could tell him. Ya ok brain no need to be a smartass. "Um... My name is Abigail Jennings. But my friends call me Abi."

"Abi" he repeated. "That's a lovely name." He commented.

"Thanks!" I smiled. Ok on the outside I seem fine. But in the inside I am totally freaking out! I can't wait to tell Chels about this. And she thought her day would be better than mine ! Ha

"Well Abi I have to go, but it was nice talking to you" Niall said.

Niall Horan thought it was nice talking to me? Me?! Abigail Jennings? The girl who embarrassed herself in front of the class by farting. That Abigail Jennings?! Oh Wow! Talk Abi talk.

"I-it was nice talking to you to Niall" I replied abit sad because he has to go. He gave me a Horan hug and gave me one last toothy grin and before I knew it he was gone.

One thing I know is that I will never forget this day for as long as I live!

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