everything that kills me makes me feel alive

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Rory's POV

I looked up, shoving my hands behind my back and hoping to god whoever it was hadn't seen it.

It was Nattie.

And shit, he had seen.

I could tell by the look of horror and sympathy and shock plastered all over his face.

"Rory," he gasped, rushing forward and quite rudely yanking the razor out of my hands.

I blinked up at him.

"Sweetie," he breathed, grabbing a towel and dabbing at the blood.

I couldn't help it; I burst into tears. It's been so freaking long since someone called me anything like that, sweetie or honey or darling.

Nattie turned around, alarmed and wrapped his arms around me, practically dragging me into his lap.

Before I had realized I kind of loved Nate, I would have probably loved this. But it's hard to feel anyhting but panic when someone finds you cutting and horror and fear and-

Maybe he noticed the expressions on my face, because he brushed my hair back from my forehead and kissed it before opening the cupboard and taking out bandages.

He didn't say anything, just steadily cleaning the blood up completely and wrapping the bandages around my arm until you couldn't see the scars. 

I was shivering; I was just really really cold.

Nattie noticed and yanked his sweatshirt over his head and handed it to me. I started to protest but he just shook his head and wouldn't take it back.

I put it on. It was far too big and the sleeves fell over my hands, but it was warm and somehow it's bigness was comforting.

He silently lead me to my room, and put me in my bed. I was feeling nervous with all this silent comforting, but I kept quiet, even as he tucked the blankets around me.

"I'm sorry."

And I saw it in his face, that he didn't know what to do. He wasn't sure what to say, and he wasn't sure what to do and he didn't understand.

And I knew who would have, but he was gone, out parading the city with my best friend.

Not sure what I was doing, I leaned forward and crashed my lips to his and we fell backwards on to the bed.


Nate's POV

You know that feeling when you feel like something bad is gonna happen?

I had been getting that feeling all freakin' day.

Through out getting donuts with Ellie, holding hands with Ellie to the Statue of Liberty, making out with Ellie against a wall....

And all the time I just wanted to go home.

Which was weird, cause I liked Ellie. I mean, she was fun, maybe not as fun as Rory, but still. She was nice, nicer than Rory. And her hair was blonde, though I kind of liked streaked hair, maybe red like-

Hold the fuck up.

What was I doing? Comparing everything to her? Her as in Rory. But yeah. 

"I think I'm gonna head home," I told Ellie.

She pouted. "Aw, but we were gonna go clubbing!'

Flashbacks of the night that Rory went clubbing flashed through my mind.

I shook my head. "Sorry... you can go though."

She sighed loudly. "Well, if you're not going..."

I suddenly didn't want her at home with me. I wanted to be alone.

"No really. You should go."

After I pretty much abandoned her there, I headed home, skirting most of traffic and breaking speed limits, for reasons I don't know.

I fumbled with my key, dropping it several times before managing to yank it open.

I stepped inside the house.

"Rory?" I called.

There was no answer.

I started towards her bedroom and opened the door a crack, just in case she was like, getting dressed or something.

She wasn't.

Nope, her and Nattie were in a passionate embrace that involved her hands in Nattie's hair and his arms wrapped tightly around her waist and was that hand a little bit under her shirt!?

I backed up silently.



This shouldn't bother me at all.

I'm sure Nattie would take care of Rory, and besides I had Ellie. It was a good thing. A good thing.

But for some reason, I didn't quite believe myself.



 looks like Nate is gettin' jealous ;)

And Nattie and Rory...

please comment <3

Kate xxx

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