it's smoky here (can you save me?)

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Rory's POV

Shit, gotta change my ringtone before Nate hears it. Wouldn't want him thinking I actually liked the Format. Oh, definitely not.

I quickly answered it, already knowing who it was. "Ellie?"

"Rory! Hi!"

I grinned. Ellie is my bestie. My extremely loyal bestie who would not pull the shit my old so called friends did. She's tweny-one, but we're still great friends. I met Ellie one day when my old boyfriend, who I referred to as Plaid Pants since I couldn't remember his name (and yes, he did wear plaid pants) introduced me to his sister, and his sister knew Ellie. Fascinating story, I know.

Anyways, she's one crazy bitch. Most people think she's all innocent, with the blonde hair and dark eyes and whatnot, but no. Defs not.

"What's up, El?"

"Fucking nothing. I miss you."

"Ugh, miss you too. Wish I was there."

"Hey, you're in New York with Mr. Sex Symbol."

I rolled my eyes. "He isn't a sex symbol."

"He looks like one."

"Yeah, but he's such an ass it doesn't matter."

I heard her sigh. "Yeah, you're probably right."

I sat on my bed, smoothing some wrinkles out. "So, how's you and what's-his-name?"

"Broke up like forever ago."

I laughed. "Thank god. Not a keeper, that one."

"Sing it, sister."

"Yo, what color for my hair next? Mom made me take them out when I left."

I could practically hear her click into business mode. Ellie loved to do hair.

"Red. Definitely red."

"Dark or light?"

"Dark. And no pink. Red."

"Got it."

We talked for a while more then said goodbye and hung up. I stared out the window for a minute. Ugh, there was absolutely nothing to do.

As if the universe was answering my prayers, the doorbell rang.

"I got it!" I yelled, barreling for the door and flinging it open.


"Rachel! Emily!" I threw my arms around them and smiled.

"Hey, chick," they greeted as we sat down. The ass - I mean, Nate- stuck his head out. "Who's here- oh, hey."

"Hi," Rachel waved. "Just stoppin' by to see my favorite girl."

I grinned. "She means me," I whispered loudly. "Just in case you were getting any ideas, Ruess."

Emily laughed. "Yep, we're kidnapping her to go shopping."

I clapped my hands. "Yay! I saved up my money for New York shopping!"

"Um, Rory," the ass (I give up on referring to him as 'Nate') said snidely. "You're still wearing your 'pajamas.'"

He put air quotes around pajamas. That's cause last night I was too lazy to change into my pajamas and just wore my clothes. I tried not to look hurt by what he had said. I sometimes wonder what I did, to have one of the six people I love more than anything in this world hate me.

"Oops," I said, heading towards my room. I really kind of wanted to wear my fun. shirt, but since ass lived here, I decided against it and went with a purple shirt, black jeans and these awesome Converse high tops I made, like the fun. ones only the Format lyrics. Hopefully Nate wouldn't look so closely. I didn't have many shoe choices okay.

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