red streaked hair (and green eyes)

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 Nate's POV

I looked over the living room, which I had decided not to clean but was somehow clean anyways. I don't even know, man.

I glanced at my watch. Any minute now. Any minute now, the doorbell would ring, I would answer, and the menace would be here.

I rolled back and forth on my heels and peered into the kitchen. Maybe I'd get a snack till-


Oh no. She was here.

I slowly turned around and walked over to the door, taking a deep breath before answering it. I wasn't prepared for what I saw.

Let's clear this up, last time I saw her (almost two years ago) she had been sixteen, with short blonde hair and, her most noticeable feature, bright green eyes. She was still sort of chubby cheeked and cute.

Now, her hair was long and wavy. All traces of childness was gone. Her green eyes were just as prominent as ever, her lashes brushed her cheek whenever she blinked.

Getting to the point, she was beautiful.

"Rory," I muttered, looking down. Damn, when had she become this?

"Nate," she replied in the same sort of tone.

"Come in, I suppose," I sighed, stepping back reluctantly. I sort of wanted to shove the door close and kick her out. But, I had promised Andrew and I didn't break promises.

She walked in slowly, her green duffel bag slung over her shoulder. I was sort of surprised at the lack of stuff she brought, since I was used to Rachel bringing four suitcases even if she was staying for only five days.

"Your room is down the hall, on the right," I said gruffly.

She nodded and hurried down the hall, the door opening and closing behind her. I heard the definitve click as it locked.

Well, this was a good start.

Rory's POV

I stared around my room. It was surprisingly nice, white and airy with white walls and a big bed with a light blue comforter and hard wood floor.

But the one thing I knew I loved already was the big bay window that overlooked the New York skyline. It had blue cushions to sit on and pillows piled up and a curtain you could draw so no one could see you from the inside. It was perfect. I could already see myself spending a lot of time there, reading and writing and listening to music.

"Hell yeah," I crowed, dumping my bag on the bed. I unzipped it and began to unpack, carefully folding my clothes and putting them in the dresser. I liked being neat, not slobby and messy. Just one of my things, I guess.

I made sure my signed CDs of the Format and fun. were tucked away where Nate couldn't find them. There was no way I was leaving my precious babies (music is important to me, okay) behind in my lonely room in Detroit. Nope, definitely not. I'd take the risk of Nate finding them.

I turned to my new favorite place, the window, and stashed my laptop, iPod and headphones there. If there was one thing my house mate could not find out, it was my password to my laptop. Oh god, I died just thinking about it. He would find the folder of pictures I titled 'My Soul Mate' which was just pictures of him. He'd find my stories, which were about him. Ugh, kill me now.

"Rory?" I heard him call.


"Um... I'm gonna order some, like, food. How does Turkish sound?"

That Summer || Nate RuessNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ