Chapter 17

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Many weeks have passed since Mark and Jinyoung have broken up. They were in good terms, their relationship though wasn't exactly the same as it was before they dated.

As for Mark and Jackson, Mark decided not to be together yet. He thought it was insensitive of him to date Jackson when he just broke up with Jinyoung even if Jinyoung understood.

~Flashback to a few days ago~

Mark's POV

"Jackson, I'm sorry..."

I said while looking down at my shoes. As much as I wanted to be with him, I can't help but feel guilty for leaving Jinyoung.


"I think it's too soon for us to be together, I just broke up with Jinyoung and-"


I looked up, surprised by his response.


I felt a pain in my chest, even though I was the one who suggested this.

"I told you that I would wait for you didn't I?"

He said while staring into my eyes.

"Even if it takes a lifetime, I'll wait for you"

He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Please wait for me"

~End of Flashback~

~Present day~

Mark's POV

I was laying on my couch watching tv when I received a text from Jinyoung asking if I wanted to join them at the park. Them being Jb, Yugyeom, Youngjae, Bambam, obviously Jinyoung, and... Jackson. Jackson and I haven't talked ever since that day. Which makes me nervous about seeing him

I texted Jinyoung saying sure and asked which park they were at. He sent me their location and I started to get ready.


I was finally at the park and I immediately spotted my friends. I walked over to where I saw Jinyoung and Jb were sitting.


I say to them. They turn to me both smiling.

"Mark! Sit down"

Jb says. I sit next to him.

"So how've you been? It's been awhile."

"I've been alright I guess. How about you guys?"

"Ah well..."

They both look at each other, blushing.

"What is it?"

I ask, confused.

"W-well uh... you see..."

I look at them eagerly waiting what they are about to say.

"We're... dating"

My eyes widen.

"W-what?! Since when?!"

"Uh... well-"

Jb cuts Jinyoung off by standing up.

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