Chapter 8

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Mark's POV


Why is he calling me in his sleep? My heart began to beat faster and felt my cheeks turn red.

Third Person's POV

Mark stared at Jackson still shocked by the fact that Jackson mumbled his name in his sleep. Mark tried getting out of Jackson's hold but couldn't he would hold on tighter every move Mark made. So he just gave up.

Jackson was dreaming about Mark.

"Mark don't leave me"

"Jackson I'm sorry..."

He started to walk away with Jinyoung.

"Mark no don't leave me! I love you!"

Mark's POV

Jackson stirred in his sleep. His eyebrows knitting together.

"D...on't leave... Mark..."

Tears started to fall down his face. Was he having a nightmare. I didn't know what to do.

"Jackson I'm right here"


He let go of me and is now twisting and turning. Suddenly he jumps up into a sitting position.


He yelled with tears streaming down his cheeks. I looked at him surprised. Out of nowhere I pulled him into a tight hug.

"It's okay Jackson, I'm right here"

I said while stroking his hair reassuringly. I didn't know what he was dreaming of but all I knew was that I needed to comfort him.

Third POV

It took Jackson a bit of to process what was happening but he finally put his arms around Mark's waist.

They sat there for a while in each other arms enjoying each other's warmth. They eventually let go of each other, now staring deeply into each other's eyes.

Slowly, Jackson started to lean in towards Mark, staring at his lips. Mark froze, anticipating for what was about to happen. Jackson suddenly stopped. He looked Mark, without saying a word, his eyes speaking for him, he wanted to know if it was okay. Mark nodded. Jackson then continued to lean in and finally their lips met. The kiss was slow at first but it gradually it got heated. Their lips started to move faster, it was as if they've been craving each other's touch. Jackson licked Mark's bottom lip asking for and entrance. He obeyed and slightly opened his mouth allowing Jackson in. They stopped to catch their breath but kept their foreheads against each other they stared at each other eyes again both breathing heavily. They both closed their eyes smiling.


Jackson's POV

I tried to move my arm but there was something stopping me. I slightly opened my eyes to see what it was and it was Mark. Then I remembered what happened last night. I smiled. I slowly stroked his cheek tracing every single one of his features. He was beautiful. The light from the window made him look ethereal. I looked for my phone, when I found it I took a picture of Mark.

He stirred in his sleep and I froze. I didn't want to wake him up. I still wanted to stare at his beautiful sleeping face for a bit longer. But he woke up. He slowly opened his eyes which I found cute.

"Good morning"

I said with a smile.

"Good morning"

He said with a raspy voice while smiling back. God was that sexy. I couldn't help but peck him on the lips. His cheeks slightly turned pink.

His phone then suddenly rang. Mark cleared his throat before answering.


He then sat up from the bed. He continued to talk on the phone. I stared at his back, I pinched myself trying to see if this was all a dream but I felt the pain. This was real, Mark and I really did kiss, he also did wake up in my arms, and he really is right in front of me.

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