Chapter 15

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Jackson's POV

Again, Jb invites me to go with him to another party but this time Mark and Jinyoung are coming with us. The others will be there too but they're going separately.

I lay on my bed, waiting for the time to pass by. I looked at the clock, I had two more hours to waste before Jb came. Should I just get ready already?

After 30 minutes of contemplating whether or not I should, I decided to get ready. I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I stripped down until I was butt naked. I entered the shower letting the water hit my body. I stood in the shower with my thoughts. My thoughts of Mark. He's going with us to the party. As a matter of fact with Jinyoung. Should I even go? It's not like I have to, I can just tell Jb that I'm not feeling well. Not like that's a lie, I really am not feeling well. You know what maybe this will make me feel better. Maybe going to this will get me out of my mind even if it's just for a moment.

I got out of the shower and grabbed my towel. I wrapped it around my waist and walked to my closet looking for something to wear. After about another 30 minutes I finally found something to wear. I finished getting ready, looking at the clock, I saw that I still had a bit more time left to spare. I didn't know what else to do, I grabbed my phone and unlocked it. I stared at my screen, not knowing with my phone. I skimmed through my apps, I finding a game I forgot I had on my phone and began to play it. I was so into the game that time quickly passed by, not even realizing that it was already  time to leave, Jb texted me saying he was here. I texted him okay and headed towards the door.


Mark and Jinyoung were already in the car with Jb. Jinyoung sat in the front meaning I had to sit in the back with Mark.


I greeted them with a smile.


Jb responded, Jinyoung smiled and waved. Mark just stared at me. When we made I contact, he smiled then looked away. I got inside the car and we were off.


The car ride was awkwardly silent. No one spoke the whole time but, we made it to the party. Just like the last party, it was at a large house with blasting music.

The host of the party seemed to be the same as the last one. He greeted us the same as the last time we went here. We searched for the rest of the "gang" and finally found them hanging around the table where the drinks were. We greeted each other then grabbed a drink. Once again, I was silent. I just listened, well tried to listen to their conversation. The music was way too loud to keep track of what they were saying so instead I just continued to drink.

I heard them say that they wanted to go dance, they all went into the crowd of dancing people except for Mark.

"Why didn't you go with them?"

"I didn't feel like dancing. What about you? Why didn't you join them?"

"I also don't feel like dancing"

We looked at each other and laughed. Then it was silent. We stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. We tried to have a conversation but, the music was too loud that we had to yell just so that we can hear one another.

"Do you wanna go somewhere quieter, my throat hurts from yelling"

I nodded. It was pretty tiring to yell at each other just to talk and it seems as though the others have forgotten about us. We leave the party and started walking outside. There was a nearby park, we sat down at a bench. It was silent but, once again Mark was the one to break it.

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