Chapter 47

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Chapter 47


“Yes Ma? What did you want?” I asked curiously. She better have called me over here for a reason because I just skipped out on asking Lexi what was up with her for my mother. Maybe Lexi was just home sick; I mean she’s miles away from home like miles and miles away from home.

My mother turned around to look at me with tears springing in her eyes and a sad expression on her face “What’s wrong?” I asked her sighing, something was up and I needed to know what.

She looked down before she looked back up at me “I found out what was wrong with Lexi.”

“Well what was wrong?” I asked slowly, well I guess the whole point of talking to Lexi before was slightly pointless but at the same time wasn’t. I missed talking to her the way I used to, it just feels different talking to her now and I can’t put my finger on why.

It’s not because she comes from a totally different planet because now that I know where she really comes from I can see that all the signs that she didn’t come from Earth were there. She didn’t know much about things like cell phones, radios and she talked about life with so much passion something most humans lack today.

We don’t value our lives much; we just do what we want wasting away our lives until it’s too late. Lexi taught me that, she may not have meant to but she did. Lexi also was very pissed off when I dissed Venus, that could have been a huge clue which I ignored completely.

I am only human, we make mistakes. Nobody took enough time and effort into looking for live on Venus, all of us just assumed that there could be no life because it was too hot. Nobody looks or researches Venus much anymore, in fact scientist are more interested in Mars now.

I’d have to ask Lexi if there is life on Mars later. I turned my attention back to my mother realizing she had spoken “Sorry Ma, what was that?”

She took a deep breath “Lexi wants to move back to Canada.”

“What!?” I blurted out shocked “What do you mean she wants to move back!?”

“She wants to go back home. She misses her family, she ran away from her grandparents after her parents died and now she wants to go back.” My mother sighed sobbing slightly.

My dad slowly strolled into the room “What’s going on here?” He asked confused. I sighed ignoring him while my mother went over to hug him.

“Lexi is going back to Canada.”

“Well that’s great.” My dad smiled.

I scoffed “Yeah of course it’s great for you since you hate her.”

My dad sighed pulling out of the hug with my mother “I don’t hate her Noah.”


“I don’t hate her Noah. I’ve actually grown to like that girl.” I scoffed once again opening my mouth to respond but he held up his hand to stop me “Let me continue.” I sighed but nodded my head. “Lexi is a sweet girl and I know I was a bit mean to her at the start but son you can’t blame me. From all of the girls you’ve brought home I just assumed she was one of them despite the fact that she told me off about it. When I saw that she wasn’t going anywhere and that you kept her around I thought to myself that maybe just maybe she is different than all of the other girls. Noah she is different, she’s a special girl that is amazing for you but she has responsibilities back home. I know she’s in love with you, I can tell from the look on her face, and she’s making a huge sacrifice leaving but she’s being responsible going back to finish what she started and I admire her for that.”

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