Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


"Stupid integers." I mumbled as I lazily finished off my last bit of math homework. 

What was the point of integers being used in Algebra? I'm never going to have to use letters or negative and positive numbers ever in my life so why learn it?

I sighed taking a sip of my Starbucks coffee, the only good thing that kept me going through with this whole trying to do homework was the coffee.

I wouldn't even be doing this if it weren't for the fact that I'm missing three days of school because of my suspension not that it matters because I'd probably ditch class anyways but my mom's been on me about getting serious.

Remember that conversation I had with her earlier about College and University? She's completely crazy set on me focusing because she thinks I'm going to fail not that I blame her. I'm smart if I try but that's the thing, I don't try.

Getting suspended just set her off even more.

"One more question." I muttered looking at it.


I shrugged jotting down 2 because I could honestly care less about getting the answer right. The teacher’s never checked the answers they only check to see if you did it.

I closed my math book before I sighed looking at the huge chapter book in front of me. It was all about our Historical events. Like the war of 1812.

I had to read this book by tomorrow and it was at least a good fifty chapters plus write an essay about it all in one night.

I was about to get cracking on the book when my phone beeped reminding me that school was over in five minutes so that I could pick up Lexi.

I smiled relived, putting off this book as long as I can because I'm sure it would not look good if I was caught sleeping here. It would ruin my rep for sure.

I quickly shoved the book into my bag before I grabbed my coffee and left Starbucks.

Once I was in my car I started it back up heading back to Bridge-Way High. I had no idea why they called our school Bridge-Way I mean I heard there used to be a huge bridge in our town but it's gone now and so should that name.

The song 'I'm Sexy And I Know It' by LMFAO came on and I couldn't help but shake my head to the beat. It's a catchy song and I really am sexy and I know it.

I pulled on my shades and rolled down my window singing to the song. Some people who walked down the streets gave me weird looks but I ignored.

Guys I know I'm that beautiful but no need to stare at me like I'm some Greek god, not that it would be a problem it's just I'm not at my best when I'm jamming out.

Once the school parking lot came into view I turned off the music and parked the car in my parking spot.

I came just in time too because that same moment the bell rang and high schoolers came flooding out of the school building, none with the fire red hair.

Got to go look for her now... before she leaves and this was all for nothing.


"Finally school is over!" Spencer yelled excitedly.

Gabbie and I giggled as we walked to our lockers to grab everything we need for the night. 

I had some Math and English homework to do since I was ahead in the rest of my classes.

After Gabriella helped me that one night I knew how to do everything. You see us Venusians are very fast learner. I just decided to over achieve since Noah seemed to be taking away most of my free time by dragging me to these human places.

~CURE~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang