Chapter 27

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Chapter 27


By the time Lexi and I had entered the front door to my house my mother was there tapping her foot impatiently.

“Hey Ma.” I muttered nervously.

As soon as she saw me I knew I was in for a shit load of yelling and a huge punishment. She opened her mouth to speak but no yelling came out.

"Lexi?" She questioned as she raised her eyebrow looking behind me.

Thank god for Lexi being here because she just saved me from a huge punishment and possibly going deaf from the yelling my mother would have been doing.

Lexi giggled as she held onto my cell phone. Wondering why the girl has my phone? Long story short she kept asking me lots of questions about why I was out before I picked her up, I didn’t want to tell her about my Sammy situation so to shut her up I gave her my phone and told her to 'Go wild.'

"Oh sure Noah's grandma I'll make sure to tell him!" She said cheerfully, what the hell was she doing talking to my grandmother! That woman has hated my guts ever since I was five and threw up on her five hundred dollar carpet!

I still remember it now…

“You ungrateful little brat!” My grandma yelled at me. “You’re going to clean this mess up right now!”

My eyes welled up with tears “B-but grandma it was an accident.”

“Cut it out Noah!” She screamed “You were aiming for me, don’t lie!”

“Grandma I-“

My grandma shoved a mop in my hand cutting me off “Clean.Now.”

To say I hate the woman’s guts would be an understatement, I’m actually counting the days till her death, harsh but she’s locked me in a closet for three hours because I was watching TV without her permission.

"Oh really! Noah's never told me that!" She gasped looking at me. Lexi covered the phone with her hand and gave me a look "Noah how could you throw up on your poor granny!"

Yup my grandmother sure twisted up that story in her own sick way.

Women, if they don't like what really happened they go off and tell people what they think should have happened and make it seem like the real story. My grandmother is a perfect example of that, you and I have both witnessed that by what she just told Lexi.

"Lexi get off the phone." I said sternly. 

She huffed but nodded "I'm sorry Noah's grandma but I've got to go, your grandson is kicking me off the phone." She muttered.

Lexi was silent for a bit, probably listening to my annoying grandmother's response. I looked at my mother and before I knew it Lexi had kicked me in the shin.

"Ow!" I yelled looking at her with a 'What the hell' expression.

Lexi covered the phone with her hand and gave me an apologetic look "Sorry, it was from your grandma. She asked me to kick you for her." Reminder, delete grandma’s number from my phone.

"Lexi get off the phone!" I growled. If she didn't I wouldn't hesitate in taking that phone and yelling at my psycho grandmother. 

Lexi mumbled a quick goodbye before she handed me back my phone. She leaned over and whispered "You should be nicer to your grandma, she told me how she gives you money every month and you never send a thank you card."

~CURE~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang