Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

~After detention, Lexi~

Detention was silent, pure silence. Whatever happened before with Noah and Kevin had something behind it; they had to have some sort of history in order for Noah to be so angry with him.

Noah didn't speak to me at all even when the teacher left the room, there was no snarky comments or touching just silence.

I know that I need to know what happened between the two I had to, I did say that I chose Kevin as the key to the cure but now I'm not so sure. Noah looked really mad and it made me upset to see him like that no matter what had happened between us.

I've decided to push everything behind Noah and me and start over, try to get to know him. I've now realized how quick I was to judge him just how I was quick to judge Prince Aaron.

Yes people say he is a player and yes I do realize it's true he's been with a lot of girls but no one seems to notice the story behind why he does it; I know he doesn't just do it for fun. There has to be a reason and I want to be the person he tells his story to.

I wanna get to know him. I knew that there was some sort of connection between us when we first met but I ignored it because of everything I heard about him, but now I understand not everything you hear is true.

Noah has a back story like everyone else, he is like this for some reason and I'm going to try to get him to tell me so that I can help him.

Maybe that was why I was really sent here? To help Noah and find the cure for my parents, maybe Noah can help me find the person I've been looking for!

Once our teacher dismissed us from detention I caught Noah walking down the hall fast, I ran up to catch up with him and put my hand on his shoulder "Hey!" I called out.

He stopped walking when he felt my hand and turned to face me.

"Uh." I started; I didn't really know what to say so I decided to say the first thing that comes to mind "Are we still hanging out later?" It was the only thing I could think of okay! Don't judge!

He shrugged "I thought you didn't want to hang out."

I sighed and looked down at my feet and thought to myself 'That was before I decided to help you'  I looked up at him and smiled "I changed my mind."

A smirk appeared on his face which made my smile get wider, Noah's back. "Is that so?" He said raising his eyebrow.

I nodded my head and let out a little giggle, little! 

"In that case I'll pick you up at eight." He said to me.

I nodded before pointing a finger at him "Remember it's not a date!"

He chuckled and shrugged "You call it what you want I call it what I want."

"Noah!" I gasped slapping his arm, he laughed at me and then I finally realized he was only joking.

"Eight." He reminded me after he caught his breath before walking out the door.

I sighed deeply smiling like an idiot. My hands started shaking as I looked down, they changed colours again but this time it was a colour I have never had before.

It was the colour Red for love.

Oh no.


I closed the front door of my house shut before walking inside smelling something cooking.

I walked into the kitchen to see my mom making some noodle thing that I never bothered to remember the name because it was just too complicated. "Hey Ma I'm home." I told her giving her cheek a little kiss.

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