Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

~Monday, Christmas Day, Lexi~

I stood there, staring. I was ready to go, I was ready to leave and go back home. The only thing I wasn’t ready for was to leave all of my new friends that I have made here on Earth. I also wasn’t ready to face my parents and the disappointed looks on their faces that I knew I would receive once I explained to them the true reason why I ventured off to planet Earth.

The innocent look my baby brother Daniel would give me once he sees me, breaking my heart with every second he stares at me with those big brown eyes knowing that I had the chance to help him, my parents and my planet and I failed.

I took a deep inhale of the fresh Earth air, it would be my last time, I was certain my parents would place me on lockdown as soon as I get back home up until my eighteenth birthday where I am forced to marry Prince Aaron.

What would Aaron think of me? What does he think of me now? He must think I’m a brat that ran away from her problems and I swear I would never want Aaron to think that even if the first night we met he came off a bit snobbish.

I took a few steps forward towards my spaceship. I looked up into the sky before I turned around to look at the life I was leaving behind on Earth. “It’s time.” I whispered to myself more certain and sure I was doing the right thing.

I was about to go into my spaceship when I heard footsteps coming towards me in a fast motion. “I knew it!” They called out.

~Earlier on that day, Lexi~

“Santa Claus is coming to town! Santa Claus is coming to town! OH! Santa Claus is coming to town!” That was the first thing I woke up to on this usually happy day. I opened my eyes to meet a pair of blue ones that belonged to Mrs. Finley.

She smiled at me “Merry Christmas Lexi!” She squealed shoving a tray of food into my hands. I looked down at the tray before I looked back up at Mrs. Finley was a curious look. She just shrugged and smiled “It’s the Finley family tradition that we always have breakfast in bed on Christmas, Lexi I’ve only known you for a short while but I feel like you’re my daughter and I think you’d be wonderful for my son.”

I smiled “Thank you for the breakfast Mrs. Finley.” My smile soon faded as I sighed “Noah and I are just friends, nothing more.”

“That’s a shame.” Mrs. Finley pouted before she plastered on a big smile to hide her disappointment “Alright well anyways I should probably go wake Noah up.”

Before she could step out of the room I called her back. She looked at me with a thoughtful expression “Yes sweetie?”

I gave a grateful look “Thank you for everything you have done for me. I really appreciate it all.”

“What’s going on Lexi?” Mrs. Finley asked confused, she looked like she was going to cry and I really didn’t want to be the cause of anyone crying especially on Christmas.

I shook my head “Nothing is going on, I just wanted to say thanks.”

She sent me a big smile before she left the room to go wake up Noah. I sat there with the tray of food on my lap leaving it untouched while I thought to myself for a bit. 

I was planning on telling Mrs. Finley that I would be leaving today but how could I do that? It would break her heart and its Christmas; I would surely be put on the naughty list for next year when Santa comes if I break the news to her.

What about Noah? Should I even tell him? After the whole hospital incident happened Noah hasn't said much of anything to anybody.

I think maybe it had something to do with what Riley spoke to him about. He has been really distant, yesterday on Christmas Eve Noah never came out of his room once. He didn't talk to anyone either except for his mom when he called her up to his room to talk to her.

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