Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

~On Venus, Lexi~

My curly long fire red hair flowed through the wind as I stared down at my kingdom below. I was seated on this hill I like to call mine. It was filled with lilies my favorite flower. I sighed as I started thinking about what will happen once I turn 18. Marriage, New Queen and disappearing parents leaving Daniel parentless.

I picked up a lily as I began to pull off the petals. When I was born my parents sent off some of our workers to go find a baby prince born 5 days before me. It turns out they did, they found a baby prince born a day before me named Prince Aaron Harold James Carter. It was then that I was arranged to marry him.

I have nothing against Aaron it’s just what happens after you marry that scares me not to mention I haven’t even met Aaron. I am supposed to meet him tonight at the grand ball my parents are hosting for our engagement. Since I was meeting him tonight he had to propose tonight it was the rules thus the engagement party.

The fact is that I finally meet Aaron tonight we get engaged and the day after my 18th birthday we get married. The part that gets me mad about this system is number one our parents disappear, number two my baby brother is left without parents, number three I don’t love Aaron and number four I don’t get a say.

I felt my hands start to shake and sighed, just the changing colour of my nails. I looked down and rolled my eyes, purple. Purple stands for frustration and yes I was frustrated.

“Lexianna!” I heard my name get called, I sighed and stood up. I knew who was calling me, my mother. It was time to get ready for the grand ball, time to make myself attractive for somebody I didn’t even know.


I pulled on my strapless red ball gown and shook my hair around. I just had a shower and washed my hair, I guess you can say it’s still a bit wet. I walked over to my dresser and sprayed some perfume on and took a seat on my bench. Time for my hair.

I grabbed my long red hair and pulled it into a fancy bun and grabbed my crown from my jewelry box made just for it. My hair was about shoulder length maybe a bit longer than that but it was long enough to fit in the bun I made. I stood up and grabbed my gloves to match my dress and pulled them on. Once I had my red heels on I started for the door.

The introduction for my arrival was the same as always. I walk down the stairs as a worker yells my name to the crowd. “Announcing the arrival of Princess Lexianna Elizabeth Amanda Kingsley II!”

I gave everyone polite waves and kept a smile on my face, one of my princess duties. As I walked down the last step I was greeted by my father and my mother. My mother gave me a huge smile and hugged me.

“Are you ready to meet Prince Aaron?” She asked me. I gave her a polite smile and gave a nod, I was curious to see what my future husband would look like.

A few seconds later my mother returned with a young man looking about my age, I assumed it was Prince Aaron.

My mother gave and quick smile “I’ll leave you two alone.” She said before rushing off to greet more people.

Aaron bent down and kissed my hand, when he stood up I could see him fully all of his facial features. I had to admit he was very handsome. He had straight blonde hair and green eyes that stared right at me almost as if he was studying me as I was to him. His eyes were green, what could that mean? You see here on Venus the females have different colours for our moods than the males so I only understand my mood when my nails and toe nails change colours.

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