Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

~The next day, Noah~

I woke up feeling refreshed and ready to go. I turned over in my bed only to read the time on the clock saying 6:30.

It was almost time for school, school which I wouldn't be attending but my new housemate would.

I smirked, this was the perfect opportunity to do something evil, and I think it's about time I bring out the Noah Finley prank book.

Now dead worms in the shower is so freshmen, I needed a prank that was epic, something amazing that would be funny but wouldn't make Lexi hate me forever.

Now dying her hair a funky colour wouldn't be an option since her hair is already pretty cool, and is apparently natural. (I doubt it but I'll let the girl dream.)

Suddenly something devious popped into my mind, something so simply but something that will have Lexi jumping.

I quickly grabbed a shirt from off my desk chair and took it with me. I tiptoed into Lexi's room quietly.

She looked so peaceful sleeping; too bad I'm going to have to ruin her day. I tapped Lexi lightly but she didn't move. I shoved her this time and she still didn't move.

I smirked; she's a deep sleeper or one of those sleepers who only wake up at a certain time. This was exactly what I needed.

Prank title: How to make a girl think she did something with you last night without remembering.

This is what we call page 36 in the Noah Finley prank book. 

Step 1: Check to see if the chick is sound asleep and won't be waking up anytime soon. (Or you'll be screwed)

Step 2: Take a shirt you have and lightly slip it on the girl so when she wakes up the whole thing looks more believable.

Step 3: Slip into the bed slowly before wrapping your arms around her waist.

Step 4: Get comfortable because you might be there awhile. You never know how long the girl is going to sleep for.

Step 5: As soon as she wakes up say "I had a great time last night." The girl will instantly become confused which is exactly the reaction you want.

Step 6: Once she starts asking questions or denying something happened pretend to be hurt and say "You regret it don't you?" The girl will start to feel bad and give into believing something happened.

Step 7: Chat her up until she asks what exactly happened the night before.

Step 8: Make up a crazy story and tell her. (Make it believable though, no crap like Sleeping Beauty or Peter Pan.)

Step 9: Once the girl believes it all just let out that good laugh you've been holding back.

Step 10: When she asks what the hell is wrong with you, explain that it was all a prank. She might slap you but it will be worth it.

I smirked to myself; I'm the master of pranks so this won't be too hard, especially since this prank happens to be created by me.

I quickly lifted Lexi into a sitting position. I slipped off her top and had to fight the urge to admire her in just her bra, I quickly pulled my shirt on Lexi before I slipped into bed with her. I wrapped my arm around her waist and stopped myself from letting a moan come out.

My little man hasn't gotten any action since yesterday and was really craving some attention; having Lexi this close to me was not helping my situation at all.

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