Chapter Twenty.

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"A what?" Aine questioned.

"A camp out!" Lucy said. The whole group, both boys and girls, were in a group, talking to each other through their cameras.

"It'll be fun! Living outdoors for the night would be great to give us connect with our powers." Jellal said.

"How so?" Aine questioned.

"No technology to distract us." Erza said.

"What are you all planning?" Aine asked.

"We're not planning anything!" Yukino said. Aine sat back in her chair and folded her arms.

"You can all go without me." Aine stated.

"What?! Why?!" Lucy exclaimed.

"You don't need me there. It's as simple as that." Aine stated.

"I don't think you should be alone at the moment Ai." Levy said. Aine looked away. She then sighed.

"Why do you all want to do this so badly? And why does it have to be tonight? Why not tomorrow?" Aine questioned.

"Because when we make plans, they always get ruined. Please Ai-Ai!" Lucy begged. Aine sighed once again.

"Fine." She said.

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered.

"Where are we camping?" Aine asked.

"The hill behind the dorms." Levy said.

"Why there?" Aine questioned.

"Why do you need to question everything?" Lucy asked. Aine just looked away and Lucy sighed.

"Alright. Let's meet outside the dorms in two hours. That will give us plenty of time to pack." Erza said.

"Alright!" Everyone said before logging off. Aine sighed as she went to her bed and laid on it.

"What's wrong Ai?" Dust asked.

"I can't help but feel like they're planning something." Aine said.

. . .

"Where is she?" Natsu asked with a groan.

"She's late." Lucy sighed.

"I'm not surprised." Levy said.

"She does carry a lot of luggage." Wendy said.

"Don't forget she also needs to get the president." Sting said.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Someone said. Everyone looked and their jaws dropped. Erza was standing there with over twenty bags flying behind her.

"Erza! We're only going for one night!" Jellal said.

"Where's Ai?" Lucy asked. Aine then poked her head out from behind Erza's back. She had her hair in two long low plats and looked really cute. "So cute!" Lucy cried as she began to suffocate Ai with her breasts.

"Lucy! You're going to kill her!" Levy gasped.

"Can't... breathe..." Aine said.

"Sorry!" Lucy exclaimed as she let Aine go. Aine sighed.

"Why do you always do that?" Aine asked.

"Did Dust do your hair again?" Levy questioned.

"That's why it took us so long to get here." Dust groaned as she appeared from behind Aine. She then plopped herself on Aine's head. "When are you getting a hair cut?" Dust questioned.

"I don't know." Aine said.

"We better go to the hill and sort out the tents before it gets dark." Gray said.

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