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Rapunzel's POV

I wake up in the morning feeling the heat from the sun on my face from the window.I smile and get up on my feet rushing to the bathroom getting ready.I braid my hair one strand and tie it up together in a ponytail.

I put on my strawberry lipbalm and put on my outfit today for the first day of school.I am wearing a light pink top with laces around the kneck and a black skirt above the knees.I put on my white converse shoes,I don't have the fashion thing on me.I don't really follow the trends.I just go with what I have in my closet and run dwonstairs.

When I got down I see mom made some pancakes for me so I rush to eat one.I'm scared that this year Merida is going to be early to pick me up from my house.She promised me to start and make changes this year.Mostly not to be late in the morning cause whenever she's late,I'll be late too.

I stuff the pancake into my mouth and my dad watches me like I am some disappointed girl who doesn't know how to chill and eat like a proper lady.Mom just laughs at me and twirls my hair as she serves pancakes for my dad.

"Stop rushing,sweetie.I'm sure Merida will be right on time.As soon as you finish eating properly she'll be here." Mom says. "Anyway it is still early now." She says heading back to the stove.

"Its okay mom.She promise me to come early than the usual time." I say as soon as I finish my pancake that was in my mouth.I swing my bag over my shoulder and hugs my dad and my mom leaving them talking how proud they are to see me for another year of me growing up and going to school.Its what parents talk about.

I wait for Merida infront of my house and 2 minutes later her car stops infront of my driveway.She opens the door and I check the time on my watch,7:29.

"Get in!" She shouts.

I got up and run into her car.I put on my sealtbelt and she drives speed ahead without waiting any longer.

"You look...a bit messy today.." I say looking at her.Watching her while she concentrated on the road.

"I'm sorry your highness,I woke up late today and I was in a rush because of you.I'm so not used to this early bird thing and I did not have time to get my hair fixed or even get my skirt zipped!" She said giving out a sigh of relief and then she brakes into a shock when the traffic light turns red.

"Shit.We're late now." Merida cursed.

"Don't worry we always do." I say leaning back in my seat and stare out the window trying not to be so stressful.

When we got to school Hiccup waited for Merida at the locker hall they have the same class right now and Merida told Hiccup to go in class with her together so she won't be shamed alone.

I went straight to my locker getting out some of my books when I felt someone pulled my hair.I turned and Jack smiles at me.

"Hello miss Rapunzel." He says smiling while he leans next to my locker.

"Hello Mr Jack.How are you?" I ask as I close the locker.Facing Jack.

"I am fine thank you.Guess what."

"What?" I ask.

"I'm gonna make changes this year.I'm gonna be more socialize with people and interact with them." He says.

"Cool,does that means you're going to answer all the fangirl messages you've been getting alot since last months?" I ask while walking to my English class.Jack and I take english class now.

"Maybe.I'm just gonna pick one that worth my time." He says smirking at me.

"Gross,Jackie.I know you're not that type of person." I say laughing at him.

As soon as we got to the English class he says to me,"Oh no,don't underestimate me,Punzie.I am gonna be that person you think I can't be.I'm attractive that way.I'm taller than you now and watch me." He whispers.

I watch him as he went to Elsa's table while Elsa is gossiping with her friends.Elsa is the most prettiest and trendy girl in our school.She likes to braid her hair to the side thats just her fashion and her style.People likes to copy her sometimes.And she is honoured and proud about it.

Jack touches her shoulder and she turns smiling at him flawlessly and he said something that made the girls around Elsa to giggles and blush and Elsa's cheeks turns red and she whispered something into his ear and I can see Jack turns to me and winks at me and my heart breaks a little.I can't barely see this is happening to my best friend.

He sits behind Elsa and I sits way front.I can't let this changes happen this year.I'm not ready to go through this.

During breaktime I went to the library I wasn't in the mood to eat so I just read my book.

Merida found me in the library she sits beside me and pretend like shes reading a book but actualy she was eating her bread.She offered me some but I was honestly not hungry.Jack has duties to do since he is a prefect this year.

Hiccup had to help his science teacher to plan some experiment on lizards.And here I am with Merida.

"Why aren't you in the mood to eat?" She ask.

"I'm just not hungry,Mer." I say.

"You were the one who was so happy this morning and yesterday about this new year changes shit.We all did not want to do it remember?"

Yeah I remember.I forced all of them to make changes this year.Big changes and my changes this year my new year resolutions are gonna ignore the negatives and be happy and do more outdoors excercise.Hang out more with new friends.

"Yes,I know.But something got me all opposite today.I just can't help it." I say.

"What happened then?Its the first day of school and something got you all moody.It must be something big!" She says.Scooping her chair closer to mine to show interest that she wants to hear my problems.

But I just can't tell her that it was about Jack flirting Elsa.Jack is not the type to be the wild teenager who goes clubbing and gets drunk all night and have tattoes and smokes and go high.And...and most horribly have sex!

"Are you going to tell me or not?" Ask Merida.

"No.I'm fine,Merida.I'm gonna ignore this negative thoughts!I should find something that makes me happy." I say out of nowhere I got my strength back.

"Now you say it! Thats my gurl!" Merida push me playfully.

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