Chapter 16-The Beginning Of The End... Unless She Can Save Him.

Start from the beginning

Jackie looked at Bailee with a worried expression, "Are you being seriouse? Or just trying to trick us into untieing you?"
Bailee stared at her with a shocked face, "Im not kidding." She said. Not really knowing how to explain something to a stuiped person.
Jackie seemed to believe Bailees little effort to explain to her why she should untie her. She ran over and untied Bailee. Who immediatly shot up and rubbed her wrists.
"Come on." Bailee said, running full speed into the woods.
"Hey! Wait!" TigerLilly and Jackie yelled, running to catch up with Bailee. But they werent fast enough, and soon, theylost her.
Bailee looked over her shoulder and smirked. She new she would lose them, but she didnt think it would be this easy.
The sun was high in the air, which made it easy to find her way to Peters hideout, and soon, she was there.
"PETER!" She yelled as she pulled a lever to open a hiden door.
She jumped down and landed roughly on her feet. She ignored the pain and continued to run.
She didnt stop running until she ran into the living room like area, where all the Lost Boys were sitting, wide eyed and still.
"Guys?" Bailee said in a whisper, trying to catch her breath.
The boys flinched at her voice, and the skunk came up and hug her torso.
She looked at the boys in worry, "Guys whats wrong?" Bailee asked.
"He had a knife." Said the bear.
"He.. he.." The fox started to say, but couldnt finish his sentence for everyone started to brake out into whales and screams.
Bailee jumped from there outburst, "Is Peter ok?" She asked.
The racoons walked up, "We dont know." "He had a knife." The both said.
Bailee was starting to get aggravated, "WHO! Who had the knife!" She yelled, putting the skunk down and standing up.
"James." A little, high pitched girl sounded voice came.
Bailee looked down at the skunk as tears formed in her eyes.
"Where are they." She asked.
"We dont know. I think he brought James back home though." The fox said, wiping his eyes.
Bailee nodded as tears started to race there way down her face, "Did Peter get stabbed?" She asked, looking at the skunk for an unknown reason.
The skunk nodded slowly, as his own tears ran down his little face.
Bailee did the only thing she could think to do, and that was run into Peter room, throw her body on the bed, burry her face in the pillow and cried.
Anger and jealousy filled Peters intire being, and, without thinking, he flew off to his hide out. Leaving Bailee in the woods.
"Peter!" He heard Bailee yell, but ignored her. His eyes were on the prize. And the prize was kicking James's ass.
He was at the hide out in no time. The pitch black darkness didnt effect him at all. Hes been here long enough that he doesnt need to see anything to know where it is.
He pulled the lever furiously and the door flung opened. He flew down into the living room area. But couldnt see anything.
It was as dark as outside, and he was having a trouble seeing his own figure.
He lit some candles, and when he turned around, he saw James sitting on the spare bed.
Peter glared at him as James just sat there with his legs cross and a smirk on his face, "Oh Peter! I have been waiting for you! And whats with that look?"
Peters glare darkened as he imagined James exploding into a million little pieces.
But, since that was impossible, he walked over to James and picked him up by the collar of his shirt.
"What did you do to Bailee." Peter said in a quiet, pretty scary voice.
James kept his smirk on, "What do you mean? What did I do to Bailee? More like, what did she do to me." Peter scoffed and punched James randomly in the face.
James fell to the ground, and slowly wiped the small trail of blood running down his chin from his lip.
"Your.. Your.." Peter said, walking back over to James and grabbing his hair.
He pulled his fist back, ready to send another punch coming.
James smirked, and then pulled something out of his pocket. Just as Peter flung his fist at James face, a sickening, sharp pain pulsed threw Peters whole stomach.
But, he ignored it long enough to make his fist come into contact with James's face, making him fall limp to the ground.
Peter fell backwards so that he was sitting down on the ground.
Sharp pains ran threw his body everytime he would take a breath in.
Without looking down, he slowly moved his hand to feel his stomach. And wasn't to shocked to feel his clothes, soacked in a liquid.
He forced himself to look down.
He let out a shocked gasp as he seen a blunt object sticking out of his stomach.
He grabbed ahold of it, but quickly let go as it sent a killing pain through out his whole body.
He didnt know what to do. He didnt want to just sit here and do nothing, because there was a voice in his head telling him that he could die. 
He decided what he was going to do.
He took in a deep breathes, held it there, grabbed ahold of the knife and quickly pulled it out.
He let out a pained yell as the last of the blade slid out of his body.
He was taking in deep and quick breathes as he slowly got up, holding onto his wound to try and stop the bleeding.
He looked around for something to cover the wound, and found a white piece of cloth.
He quickly grabbed it and unfolded it to find a small, white tank top.
It was too small to fit him, and any of the lost boys... So the only person it could belong to was....
"Bailee!" He said in a horse voice.
He hid his bloody palm to his head. 
He should of listened to her! And he DIFFIANTLY shouldnt have left her in the woods on her own in the dark.
He groaned. She was never going to forgive him this time.
But just then, the sound of feet hitting the floor and laughing was heard running down the hallway, and then in popped the Lost Boys.
"Hey Peter!" "Hello Peter!" "Where's Bailee Peter?" "Why are you bleeding, Peter?"
The questions stopped there, for all the Lost Boys's eyes were on Peters bleeding Torso.
"I.. I haft to take James home." Peter said.
The Lost Boys averted there gaze to get a good look at James unconciouse body before turning there gaze back at Peter, who was now standing up and walking over to James.
The Lost Boys were quiet as Peter Lifted James over his shoulder with a pained grunt.
With one hand on his wound, and the other holding James up, he flew out of the hide-out and into the sky.
Falling in and out of concousness, he quickly made his way to Wendy's house.
He flew threw the window, dropping James with a loud bang.
Wendy jumped, "Peter? Oh Peter what happened to you?" She asked.
Peter had the most pained expression on and was hunched over, both hands on his wound, which was still gushing out blood.
"I-" But he couldnt finish. For he passed out.
Peter woke up with a start. He sat up quickly, but quickly regreted it for all his bones ached.
He looked down at his wound, with was quit easy seeing that he had no shirt on. 
"What? Where am I?" He said, poking the gauze and looking up at the burning fire in the fire place.
"Oh good, your awake." Wendy said, stepping out from the Kitchen.
Peter turned to look at her in shock, "How did I get here? Wheres Bailee? Is she ok?!" He asked in a rush.
"Your at my house Peter. You came here last night with a young man. You were enjured and he was too." Wendy said, putting a wet wash cloth against Peters forhead.
Peter hit it off, "I haft to back to Neverland and find Bailee!" He said, and then jumped up off the couch and ran towards the window, ignoring the pain threw his soar bones and stomach.
He jumped out, "Peter! What should I do about the other young man?" Wendy shouted out the window.
Peter, who was already in the night sky, yelled back, "Ask him! He knows where he lives."
And with that Peter flew to the first star and the right, and ended up in Neverland. He raced to the hide out, flew inside, and stopped in the living area, where the Lost Boys were all sleeping huddled up.
Peter looked around for Bailee, but couldnt find her.
He ran into his room, and he nearly passed out from relief when he saw her sleeping form on his bed.
"Bailee?" He said in a soft voice. She stirred a little bit, but didint wake up.
He walked over to the bed and sat down on it. He examined Bailee's tear stained face. 
"Bailee.. Bailee wake up." Peter said, shaking her. 
Bailee sat up faster then a rocket. "PETER!" She screamed, and then tackled him in a hug, making him flinch from pain.
"Im so happy your ok! I came here and you and James werent here and they kept saying something about a knife and I thought you were seriously hurt and-" She stopped her sentence when she felt something warm start to soak her stomach.
She pulled away from Peter and looked at his pained face. She slowly looked down at Peters bare chest and then the gauze covered in blood. She looked in horror as his blood slowly dripped down his leg and onto his floor.
She looked down at her white shirt, well, her now crimson shirt.
"Peter!" She yelled, running around there room to find something to stop the bleeding.
"Bailee.." Peter said, just as Bailee found the first aid kit Wendy had packed her. Bailee looked at Peter just as he passed out on there bed.

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