Just Another Day Passing By (After My Narrative's Confusion)

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I was enjoying the pleasant day by walking towards the classroom in the peaceful morning. It was all very peaceful until I heard people around me talking about a narrative that was on the school board. They said that it was awarded as the school's best romance story which was made by a student from first year. Once I heard that, there was no stopping me. I had to find out whose work it was. My feet brought me to the designated place and my eyes checked the noticeboard. My jaw suddenly dropped.

"W-what?! Why is my narrative on? Why in the world is my narrative on the school board?!" I whispered gaping at my piece of work.

"Hey Y/N, what are you looking at?" I heard Onodera's voice speak from behind me. She came closer and I felt the presence of her beside me. Her eyes landed on the narrative I had written yesterday.

"Woah. Y/N! You're amazing! This is your work?" I turned to look at her and nodded. For some reason her face began to turn pale and I watched her take a step back.

"When did you write this?"

"What?" I asked, unsure if I heard her correctly.

"When did you write this?" she repeated and I looked at her confusingly.

"I wrote it last night," I replied looking at her closely. "Are you alright?"

"I think I should go to class now..." she trailed off as she turned the opposite direction to our classroom and started walking. She suddenly stopped and rushed the other way.

After, finally understanding that Onodera had left, I asked myself, "What was wrong with my narrative?"

~Onodera's P.O.V~

"What's with me today? But I wonder if Ichijo or Chitoge or someone else told her about it? Or was it just her imagination? I hope that no one told of her the story."

"Hey Onodera!" I turned around to see Ichijo running towards me. "You look pale, are you alright?"

"Did you tell Y/N about something to do with a locket and few keys? She wrote something similar for the valentine assignment." My face heated up waiting for his response.

"No, but that story seems oddly familiar... Wait." he turned to me. "How does she... Onodera, it's on the school noticeboard right?" I nodded slightly. "I'll be right back." He zoomed out of the classroom as I saw Chitoge approaching the classroom.

He never finished the sentence did he?

"Hi Onodera! Do you know why Raku just rushed off like that? He seemed really desperate, like he-"

"Kirisaki have you told Y/N a story that consists of a locket and a few keys?"

"No... no I haven't." She said as she sat down in her seat looking a bit flustered all of a second. "W-Why do you ask?"

"Oh, um- Don't worry about it." I smiled at her while I made my way to my desk.

Then who did? Who told Y/N about the story? Or maybe... if that what seriously happened, then she's a really smart girl.


~Raku Ichijo's P.O.V~

I was in shock when I read the narrative Y/N had written. 10 years ago. It was exactly how the story goes except the ending was not verified. How does she even know this?!

The bell had just rung and I approached Y/N, the green hair flowing behind her. It still reminded me of the first day when she went to our school.

"Wait Y/N!"

I looked up to see Chitoge directly opposite of Y/N and her eyes almost glaring at her. Y/N had stopped moving and turned to stare at Chitoge.

"What?" she spoke and stood there like nothing was going on.

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