I Forgot Someone So Dear To Me

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I'm so, so, so sorry, but it seems that I keep writing those sad chapters, I did have the story planned it out and this will end after this chapter or the next. Depending on the incidents. I am still very sorry. Please don't read it if you really dislike sad and depressing chapters/angry-filled chapters. Gomenasai!

Katina (P.S I will try not to give too many A/N's)

I looked over at the time by my bedside. Everything was cold and silent. I've been staying in bed for two whole weeks. My stomach seemed to be thinner and start to grumble. I looked over at the window and left my head drop onto the cut pillow.

"Not everything is fine in the world."


I seemed to wake up from the rays of the sunshine. The dusty blinds seemed to give off less light than usual. I sat up and felt my head throb. How long has it been again? Oh, 6 weeks. Or was it 7?

Ah, it doesn't even matter. Was it really a long time? I think I got thinner. Shouldn't I be dead already? I feel so sick. Where's Mum? Oh, she's gone. Where's Dad? Oh, he's with Mum. I feel so so sick. My head too. Why won't my life just end already?

The phone next to my bedside began to ring and I felt my body jump up at the sudden noise. There hadn't been a call from anyone this whole time. Not even my parents. They didn't care about me after all.

"How did I end up in this world?" I thought aloud to myself as I clambered out to get the telephone. I hit the green button. Holding it to my ear, I yawned slightly before asking who it was.

"It's me, Reiko."

"Who's Reiko again?" I placed my fingers to my chin. Hmm.. Who?

"Who are you?" I spoke into the phone. I seemed to receive a shocked gasp from the girly voice.

"Y-You, d-don't know me?" she added a high pitched sound at the end of the phone.

I thought again, though the name doesn't seem to ring a bell. "I don't know who you are," I replied once more, yawning widely this time, she probably heard it.

"I'm your friend."

"My friend? Huh?" I spoke into the phone in harshly, "What, I've never had a friend before! And if I did, then she or he would have ask me how I was earlier than this!" I shouted into the phone.

"I'm so sorry Y/N, I thought that you wouldn't need me anymore."

"Well that's really true, now that I don't even know who you are anymore, what's the point of me talking to you?" and I heard my voice start at a full-blasting volume shouting the next words, "I HATE EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THIS WORLD, THEY ONLY CARE ABOUT THEMSELVES, THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT ANYONE ELSE, THEY ONLY HAVE THEIR OWN DESIRES, I HAD NO ONE TO TALK TO THIS WHOLE TIME. NO ONE WANTED TO SEE ME, AND I HATED THAT FACT" I felt tears rolling down my cheeks and huffed heavily into the phone, "I didn't have anyone to talk to this whole time," my temper went down and I felt myself trying to catch breath, but failed to do so and let myself pour all the tears down.

Before I knew it, the phone was beeping, the call ended. I let my floppy arm fling the telephone to my right. I slowly laid my head back and let the heavy weight of my head drop onto the space behind me. Looking at the dull ceiling I sighed and more tears rolled down. And that was when the doorbell rang.

"What now?" I gradually made myself get off of bed again, only to find myself slumping over the bed's wooden edge. I straighten my back, which made a cracking sound.

"Ow," I whispered quietly to myself and the doorbell rung again.

"Coming!" I yelled, trying to consume my choking croak.

After a few moments, I had finally gotten to the wooden door. I let my hand move towards the door knob and steadily twisted it open.


I looked over to see who it was. At first I thought it was just a little girl. But then I looked over at her again, my eyes swollen and watched her come towards me and before I knew it, I was in a tight hug with her. This hug, it somehow felt really familiar.

"I heard you-u weren't at school," the voice echoed with a choking voice. I felt cold drops of liquid touching my back. For some reason I felt my hands pull her into a tighter hug. And that was when I knew. Her smooth white hair, her sparkling teary eyes.

"Reiko... I..." I felt my eyes starting to water again, deep inside my heart, it felt like it had started to beat again, melting from the frozen block of ice. Everything felt warmer. I felt the urge of hugging her tighter than what it was like now. But if I did, I would basically be strangling her.

The hot tears dropped faster as I watched her pull back. She smiled; a soft smile. I looked at her, the tears flowing quickly down my face. My hand moved on its own accord and it was placed on my wet cheeks.

"Reiko, I- I'm so sorry," I let my body drop to the concrete ground. My throbbing head fell between my legs and I felt that my heart just burst in happiness. Someone had noticed me. I was not alone in this cruel world.

"Y/N!" I heard her say faintly before everything went back to being how it used to be for the last weeks, black.


~Kosaki's P.O.V~

"Looks like I accidentally wound up here again," I sighed and went turned around from where I came from. I heard a soft thud and turned to see Y/N on the ground in front of her house. I was about to hurry over to her, but I saw a girl about her age next to her. She had beautiful long white hair and her eyes were a bright aqua sparkling with the tears in her eyes. She was crying? Why? And I haven't seen Y/N in such a long time! Should I go over and greet them both? Or stay away? They probably wouldn't want anyone to see them in that kind of state, so maybe I should just go home.

With one last swift look, I turn on my heels and walked the way from where I came from.

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