Let's Talk Over Coffee

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Dear reader-chans,

I'm very, very, very sorry for the delay of this chapter. I know this is a stupid excuse but *cue studio lights* - 'School'. Yep, you know what- homework, assignments, tasks, tests, everything that is stressful with school life! I really rather keep typing up more chapters, but this *lights shine again* made me work hard for work instead of my books. I am still very thankful for the non-complaining waits you all have given me, arigatou gozaimasu for waiting for this chapter to come out.

Well without any more delays, please enjoy this chapter!

From your very sorry author- Katina Coral


~3rd Person's P.O.V~

"Hey Mr Monte!" the voice echoed in the sunlit coffee room.

"Hello Y/N! Not going to school today?" A ruff voice replied as the man turned to the girl who was swiftly approaching with her steps.

"Nah, my parents are gone overseas for a business trip and I'm currently taking a day off at school 'cause I feel like I won't learn anything new today," the H/C haired girl replied, sticking out a tongue at him.

"Alright, now then," he paused for a moment, "And since you know the gist of how everything works here," the girl opened her mouth to join in, "Let's get started!" The man patted the girl's shoulders as he walked out of his room, telling her that he was going to get the ingredients ready and workers to stop lazing around.

It had actually been 4 years since she first arrived. Y/N remembered the happiness that exploded out of her used-to-be excited heart back then when she had been chosen as a partial time worker.

Her eyes moved towards the window. Her black framed glasses was the first object she saw. There was the quiet birds which were sitting on the nearest tree and they were so close that if Y/N had let her hand reach towards them, she would have been able to touch the chick's brown feathers. The frame of the window seemed to have been recently covered in a maroon shade, which is a really dark colour compared to the pigment they used before, a light turquoise.

~Y/N's P.O.V~

I had just finished changing into my new black laced working. The lace of the dress is of good quality and was quite expensive, if I remembered correctly. I walked to the door which I had entered in and pushed the surface hard to find myself outside in the cool fresh air. The breeze blew into my long hair and I switched the tag from closed to open. I walked back to the counter. I watched the large clock on the wall behind me tick and went to looking at my pocket watch. 10 mins. The shop had been open for 10 mins.

I suddenly straightened my back as the tingly bell echoed inside the shop while I examined the wooden door opening.

"Welcome!" I called to the young customer. The lady had great emerald earrings and many jewellery which were visible from a even a further distance from where I was standing. I haven't seen her before, or I would have remembered her name. I do notice that I have bad memory but you know, every single person in the universe are different. Never the exact same. That's partially why I have bad memories; I sometimes confuse one with another.

I lead her towards the table nearest to us and she sat down.

"We have a special for today!" I cheerfully smiled at her while the scarlet eyes scrolled down the menu's list, "And it's chocolate cherry milkshake mixture with a dessert of your choice for half the usual price."

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