The Project Of Getting Them Together

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Dear Reader-Chans,

I'm very sorry for the delay as I have not much time to update (due to school). Anyways, since in my country here it's holidays *cue the cheers* I'll probably be updating quicker and a lot more. And once again sorry for the delay.



~Y/N's P.O.V~

"I got to school early and this is what I receive." I looked down at the wooden desk and picked up the scrappy writing on the flimsy paper. I caught it just before it decided to fly away from me.

"Sorry Y/N, please could you explain to me about yesterday, I didn't quite understand. Meet me at the cafeteria at lunch?" I read to myself before sighing.

"Did he seriously forget to write his name or is he trying to be anonymous?" I thought as I sat down and scrunched the paper up and with my right hand scored a goal in the recycling bin at the door (which was 4 seats away from me).
"Hey Y/N!"

I looked up to see Onodera staring at me with those wonderful bright eyes.


"Oh, yes, yes! I'm fine!" I replied back with a cheerful tone.

"Were you sick yesterday? Because you didn't go to school," she asked and I replied that I had some business to do and she nodded before she sat down in her usual spot, a few seats behind me.

"Class is beginning! Hurry to your desks or there will be detention for the whole class at lunch!" And so class session began.


"What's the meaning of this?" I called to the approaching blue headed boy.

"What did you do to my message?" He huffed as he pulled to a stop and looked carefully at the picture on the phone I was holding.

"I threw it in the bin of course, so what did you mean by explain? Explain why Chitoge-san has fallen head over heels for you?" I asked looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah... Cause I don't know and I want to know!" He yelled with much determination and I placed my phone back inside my pocket.

"Well, she does like you, at least, and from what you were talking about I could tell," I nodded hard.

"Do you like someone then?"

I looked at him peculiarly, "What, of course I don't like anyone, but I've been known as the best love dealer in my previous school," I straightened my back and he looked at me strangely. "What? It's true!" I huffed back at him, while he made a 'I-don't-believe-you' face.

"Do you want me to explain or what?" I yelled at him and he replied with a short 'yes'.

"So, she likes you because of her actions she is making on you; that is, how she always wants you to compliment. Well that's what I got from your story," I thought for a moment before thinking for another reason, "Ah, and she also has those type of bright light shining when she sees you," I smiled at the progress I have made. "And she seems too over protective for yo-"

"I think I can explain that. It's probably because we are boyfriends and girlfriends..." he trailed off before adding to his sentence, "But fake."

"Yeah, ok, whatever about that, anyone could tell!" I watch his eyes widen in horror as he looked around me.

"You mean the whole school?" He replied quietly and I replied, "Obviously, they are probably just pretending that they don't know that you are girlfriends and boyfriends," I told him and he went red in the face (full of embarrassment, tut tut) from that statement.

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