Since that Day

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~Chitoge's P.O.V~

"What did you mean about the comment that you said to me when the bell rang?" I pouted at him, as he sat down next to me.

"It is what it means. I really like how you look like today," he said as he smiled at me and I let my cheeks burn.

"W-Well, if-f you are telling-g the truth-h, then-n thanks!" I said in uneven manner as I watched him stretch to my reaction. He must be lying.

"Anyways, what do you have for lunch?" I asked as I opened my obento box and looked at the prepared food. The mixed colours of yellow, red, purple, blue, green, orange, white all flashed at me. My mouth seemed to water and I let my hand whipped my mouth in case some had actually was on my face. But I really can't wait to eat it!

My eyes wandered over to his bento. My mouth dropped into a wide gap. He literally had nothing for lunch. A few sushi and a cabbage. For a split moment I wondered if I should give him some of my lunch. But of course, no. Cause it would be so weird. And it would be like I really love him as a boyfriend.

But didn't you tell me earlier that you actually love him? Huh?

Hmph. Not as in boyfriend and girlfriend. I meant like...

See! Even your words tell me that you love him.

Well! I don't love him like that! I love him like a sibling or someone I-

There you go again...

Whatever! Just... Go away right now!

"Chitoge are you alright?"

My hand stopped slapping thin air and I quickly looked over at Raku. "Yes! I'm fine! I'm sorry, I just thought that it was really hot right now!" I replied and fanned myself instead.

"You were fanning the other way..."

"B-Be quiet!" I yelled and my hand attempted to slap him and it went really hard.

"Ouch! My hand!" I cried as I looked at how red it was.

"Hey! My face! How could you slap my face and just talk about your hand?!" He yelled back at me.

"You were the one who made me hit you!" I shouted back.

"It isn't my fault! It's true that you were fanning the other way!"

"S-Shut up before I hit you again!" I screamed as I ran at him while he shot ahead of me.

~Onodera's P.O.V~

I was behind the wall while I was watching them the whole time- from the beginning of lunch and to the end. Ruri wasn't here today; she was probably sick. I was planning on seeing Raku because I felt quite lonely, but ended up staying behind the wall the whole time. I heard him say that she looked pretty today. That had just sent a dagger through my heart. I knew that I loved him. I... I felt disposed? This is jealousy? I don't even know anymore.

Tears dropped onto the ground. Of course they would. Knowing the type of girl I was, of course they would drop one by one. My heart began breaking into small pieces. I could feel it. I scrunched up the paper I was holding behind my back. I just felt so sad. And I've never felt this sad. I think I want to cry forever. That was what I was thinking anyway.


I was walking down the path to home. It felt so... lonely? Why? Why, why, why? Why couldn't I just... just see Raku first? Why did it have to turn out this way?

The flashback of myself in the classroom in primary startled me and made me stop in my steps. I noticed. I already noticed. This is so stupid. I loved him back then. Why didn't I confess? Now it's already too late. I know. I already know. Alright? What should I even do right now? I just want to...

What? What do I even want to do now? I don't think I want to do anything. There's no point in having a life if you don't have someone who you want, no need. If he's not there for me... I'm already dead. Isn't that right? If someone who you need isn't there, doesn't that mean that you are nothing? Nothing at all?

I stopped outside my doorstep. I looked at the door. Mum wouldn't be home right now. I kicked the door hard. Ouch. It really hurts. This isn't really like me is it now?

You can't escape from reality Kosaki Onodera.

Yeah. I know.

I've always wondered why there were bad people out there. It's confusing. Why would they want to do things like taking their wrath onto someone else, showing violence to younger kids so they could follow their lead or even kidnapping a kid? Sure, for the money. That's one. Then why do they get angry at others? Because they done something wrong? Why don't they forgive them instead? I've always wondered why.

And I think I know the answers now.

I walked to my bed and fell face forwards into the mattress. It hurts. The mattress hurts me. The objects surrounding the room hurts me. Reality hurts.


"Hey Kosaki!"

I turned around at the unexpected voice of Y/N. I thought that Ruri would be the first one to greet me this morning. Seemed like she's still sick.

"Wanna hang out with me today?"

I looked at her and blinked. "What?"

"I said do you want to hang out with me today? Like at breaks and after school? You seem down today," she smiled and in a split second I had uttered the word yes.

"Alright! At recess meet me outside in front of the garden over there," she pointed to my far right. "There are the benches over there, so you can just sit down if you want to," she grinned and I smiled back and waved her bye as I headed the opposite direction towards the library.

~Y/N's P.O.V~

"What did you think about that?" I spoke into the phone and the crackling laughter of her voice escaped on the other line.

"Good, good Y/N! This is getting interesting! And now, don't stuff it up. This is really important. You must not mess this mission up. Or else you know what you are in for," the serious voice dramatically replied as I hang up the phone. This is easy. Simple. Literally the easiest task I've ever had in my life. Of course I wouldn't want to hurt such a poor innocent girl like Kosaki, but this is for my good. I have to do this to get back what I want.

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