"Okay. I've only got 15 minutes, so talk." I snap.

A silence ensues as I stare Axl down, waiting for him to start talking. Eventually, he does.

"I want to talk about what happened." he says.

"I know what happened. I know all about it." I answer.

"But I want you to know something-" he cuts himself short, pondering his next thought.

"I didn't do this to hurt you, Ana. Adriana, Erin, the both of them- they mean nothing to me. They were a quick fuck when you weren't around." he says, explaining himself.

"And so you think that makes it okay?" I question.

He shakes his head exasperatedly. "No, it doesn't make it okay, I just wanted you to know that you'll always be my one and only. Your the only one I'll ever love. That night before the party, I picked Erin up from the airport and she gave me an ultimatum-her or you. And I chose you, Ana. You didn't even give me another chance." 

My blood boils. Another chance? He fucked two girls while we were together and he wanted another chance?

"You don't get another chance Axl. Your not gonna fuck me over twice. And let's face it. We're not meant to be together. Your my best friend and you got jealous. That's the only reason you made your move." I tell him.

"Ana I-" I cut him off.

"Can I tell you something? Best Friend to Best friend." I request.

He stays silent, so I start to speak.

"Duff makes me so fucking happy, Axl. I've never felt this way about anyone in my entire life." I begin

"When we're together it's like there's some crazy force pulling us together. When we're not together I want to be with him. He tells me all the time how much he loves me. He makes sure I'm safe. He'll sit there with me all night long and just talk. Every single moment with him is exciting and fun. He notices the little things. Just last week I mentioned how I needed new lipstick for work. Guess what Duff came home with the next day? He respects me. He treats me like I'm the most prized possession he has. He makes me want to do better for myself. He pushes me to be the best I can be. He believes in me and always says that I can do whatever I want if I just put my mind to it. He doesn't leave me at all hours of the night. I don't have enough hands to count the times he's called me pretty or beautiful. He tells me all the time how much I mean to him. He wants to bring me on tour. What you and I had, it was great, but it just wasn't the same. I could never leave him. If I did, I don't think I could live. I don't think you know how much he means to me, Axl." I go on and on, and Axl stares at me impassively. 

Silence ensues, and I have to think hard of what to say next, but he beats me to it.

"I do understand how you feel about him, Ana." he pauses for a second, and he starts to choke up.

"Because that's exactly how I think about you."



"Where the fuck is he man? This is fucking ridiculous." Steven complains.

We've been at the Troubadour for twenty minutes, and Axl is no where in sight.

The owner of the place says if we don't go on right now, we'll never be invited back here again. 

"Let's just do a jam. Me and Izzy'll sing." I tell them.

"What the hell do you want to play then?" Slash asks. 

"Your on in 30 seconds." The owner calls from the side stage.

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