No Good Deed

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"You look remarkably like your mother, Karoline."

I bellow in rage and wrap my hands around his throat shoving him against the wall.

A creaking noise echoes around the room but I don't turn to look.

"Because," my father croaks, "I-I already m-met her."

My fingers tighten and I feel tears building up inside me.

The creaking continues but I ignore it.

"She's beautiful," he whispers, "Y-you got her looks."

While his broken wrist hangs limply by his side the other hand pulls out a bent photograph.

My fingers weaken as my mother's face looks back at me.

"But you g-got my rage," he hisses back dropping the picture.

I watch as the picture falls to the ground. It brushes the dust beneath my feet and lands back first. Mum stares proudly up at me.

Slowly anger rises within me and I tighten my grip turning to face him.

"She. Didn't. Deserve. You," I snarl tears dripping down my face.

My father chuckles sadly.

"She didn't deserve either of us, Karoline."

I glower at him.

"That's the only true thing you've ever said to me," I hiss.

The door makes one last wrenching noise before crashing open.

A haggard looking Sara and Snart race inside looking around. His blue irises fasten on me and he runs over.

"Princess, let him go," he calls raising his gun.

I send him an indignant look.


"Kari, you have to trust me," Snart replies slowly staring back at me, "He wants you to kill him."

"Yes because I want to die! That makes so much sense, Mr. Janitor Man!" My father retorts angrily.

"Kari, he's manipulating you," Snart says ignoring my father.

I look away towards the ground.

"Kari, if you kill him here you're never born. He never marries your mother. You never live your life. You never exist."

"Don't listen to him, Karoline," my father warns.

My eyes drift towards my mother's photograph.

Is it worth it? Revenge against a man who made my life hell?

"Kari, please."

Snart's voice seems closer.

My mother smiles benignly up at me from her picture completely unaware of the chaos around her .

"I don't want to imagine never meeting you," Snart whispers.

I close my eyes and let go of my father.

He falls to the ground massaging his throat.

I turn and bury my face in Snart's parka. He holds me in his arms rubbing my back.

"I'm gone for two and a half hours and you kill Savage and nearly kill your father too?" He mutters keeping his gun aimed at my father.

I chuckle wryly into his chest and peer up at him through wet eyes.


Snart sighs heavily and glares back at my father.

"We have to get him out of here before the entire building collapses on him."

Footsteps slowly make their way over and I look up to see Rip clutching a bloody hankerchief to his forehead.

"Thank allfather," he murmurs upon seeing my father, "She didn't kill him."

Kendra and Jax hold a dazed looking Ray between them and he murmurs.

"This is an odd place. Do you live here?" He asks Jax.

Jax sighs and looks at Sara.

"He got hit pretty hard on the head. I'd say concussion."

"Maybe it knocked some sense into him," Snart mutters.

I don't comment, just stare down at my father. He glowers up at us, his arms crossed.

"I'm not going with you," he snaps glaring at Rip.

Rip frowns and looks at Sara and Snart.

"Could one of you help me take Mr. Jones back into the city?"

Sara sighs but grabs my father's arms and drags him to his feet. She pulls a knife from his belts and holds it to his neck.

"Let's go, Quincy," she mutters.

Rip grasps my father's other arm and together the pair wrestle him out of the room.


His screams are cut off as he travels up the staircase with his guards. Firestorm, Kendra and Ray follow closely behind. Snart slides a hand around my waist gently pulling me towards the door.

I wriggle out of his grip and drop to my knees. I lift my mother's photograph from the dust and clench it tightly between my fist.

"Coming, Princess?" Snart questions nodding towards the door.

I nod curtly and walk out.

Snart follows me up the stairs and we walk in silence.

When we reach the open air outside the building, I see my father struggling in Sara and Firestorms grip. Rip seems to be digging something out of his trench coat.

Finally he succeeds and pulls something free from his pocket.

A short silver button glitters in the early morning light. He holds it in front of my father's face.


His eyes roll wildly on his mask as he stares at me. Raising a shaking finger he points at me.


"Enough," Rip states firmly pressing the button.

A flash of light flickers then is gone.

My father's eyes widen then roll back in his skull as he collapses to the pavement.

Rip sighs happily, stuffing the device back into his pocket.

"Miss Lance would you please drag Mr. Jones into-ah yes thank you that alley will do nicely. Now!" He clasps his hands together looking around at us, "That was very eventful however we really must be returning to the ship."

We all slowly follow him as he leads the way back towards the WaveRider.

I feel empty. Utterly empty. I get one last look at my father's fallen form, stuffed behind a dumpster in passing before looking ahead towards the ship.

The past will remain in the past.

And I won't let it define me.

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