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After the lunch date, Taehyung found interest in packing right away. And Adeline decided to tag along and help him.

Once they entered the apartment, Jimin was in the kitchen cooking food for himself and Taehyung.

"Ahh I see we have a guest." Jimin turned around from the stove acknowledging that not only Taehyung came, but so did Adeline.

"Yeah, I hope that's not a problem." She said.

"No-no, of course it's not, it's just now I have to make a bit more food-"

"It's actually fine. Taehyung and I ate before we came." Adeline mentioned.

"Oh and if you don't mind if I ask, what brings you here Adeline?" Jimin simply asked stirring the contents in the pan.

"Well I decided to help Taehyung pack for his first time leaving towards America-"

Jimin dropped the wooden spoon.

The two of them jumped in fright from the unexpected sound.

Adeline went straight to help Jimin pick it up and clean the oily mess it made on the ground.

Taehyung was too busy and worried on how to tell Adeline the news on his acceptance from the college, that he totally forgot to confront Jimin first, since he is after all his roommate.

"Y-you-" he stammered.

"Hyung, I'm sorry I couldn't tell you as soon as I read the letter but I thought you already knew what it was about because you were the first one to see the letter itself and since I was basically screaming from excitement when I did open it up."

"Plus, we were in the same room and you could've asked me why exactly I was screaming." Taehyung added.

Jimin nodded in agreement.

"I guess I shouldn't be blaming you, I am partially to be blamed also. But the reason I didn't ask you was because I had other things to worry about besides your screaming or whatever noise you made– distracted me from my beauty sleep." He concluded smiling at the thought of the wonderful sleep he had that day.

"And what 'other things' did you have to worry about exactly?" Taehyung retaliated raising an eyebrow–interested in what was his excuse.

"I was worrying about what to eat for dinner." He eye smiled.

They all erupted in laughter.

"Anyway, hyung if you need help packing, just let me know."

"Don't worry, that's why Adeline's here." Taehyung assured him.



"Why don't you ever clean your room." She teased once they walked into it.

All he did was stop in place and glare at her.

"Yah, I'm just kidding." Adeline giggled shoving him playfully.

Taehyung ignored her childish acts and brought out both of his suitcases that he plans on filling with both clothes and other necessities.

"Uh, Taehyung you know what I just remembered?"


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