The End for Now

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Chapter 34

                Alec’s POV

                Funerals. I hate funerals. They remind you of loss. The loss of someone close. The black clothing of mourning. The sadness. The death. This is what funerals remind me off. I stand at the side of the grave as I watch the wooden coffin get lowered into the deep depths of the ground. Lower and lower it goes it until it reaches what will be its final resting place. In the coffin she lays. Dead. Yet peaceful. Away from a world of pain.

                I look to the sky and watch as the grey clouds swirl angry above. I see the intricate patterns between the grey and the hint of white. Not an ounce of sky can be seen. The wind blows through the oak tree that hangs over the coffin. I hear the rustle of the leaves as the wind blows through it. I feel the cool breeze against my face which locks me in reality. It locks me in the reality that a life has been lost. I look around to the faces beside. All grim all with their heads down in respect. Xander and Alastair stand to the right of me with their heads slightly bowed.

There was about thirty stood around the grave. Men and women all in black clothing. I hate funerals. I still remember hearing the flat lining of the heart monitor. The attempts at saving her life. The tries to get her heart beating again. All that failed. She was lost. The hope had gone.

                “Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust,” I heard the vicar speak.

                I watch as some dirt is thrown upon the coffin. The first signs of her being buried. The box is passed round. Xander and Alastair toss some dirt in and I take a handful and feel the texture beneath my hand. I gently throw the dirt in which lands as a thud on the coffin.

                I pass the box to my left. I feel as she lets go of my hand. I turn and look at her. A black veil covers her face. She wore a beautiful black dress with lace patterns on her stomach. She wore a blazor over the top which was open. Her beautiful long brown hangs down her back with the faint curls at the edges.

                Alex takes some dirt from the box and tosses it on the coffin. She hands the box pack to the priest.

                “We will now lay Susan down for the hands of God where she will be protected and be guided,” the Priest spoke.

                The group around the coffin began to move away and make their way back to their transport. I carefully wrapped my arms around Alex’s waist pulling her close to me without hurting her. It has been a week since the battle. She is nearly healed but it still hurts her. I bring her close to me and she rests her head on my chest with a sigh. I push the black veil away from her face and slowly rubbed one of my thumbs along her face to sooth her. I keep one arm around her waist and pull her with me to the car waiting for us.

                Xander and Alastair follow behind us in silence as they take in the past week of events. We climb into the car and Alex snuggles into me. No one has talked about the battle. Nobody has needed to. It has been a subject best kept closed. I was sad for we lost Susan who had helped us and found us. Yet I was happy. Alex had been saved. Her operation had been risky but with the help of her healing abilities she was saved. I remember sleeping by her bed that whole night while she was in recovery. I kept my hand in hers. I never left her side. I was happy.

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