1: Your Best Friend

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You and Sean had been best friends since childhood, and you knew everything there was to know about him. You always went out with friends once a week and you never drifted apart. This week, however, he seems... off. He's been responding to your texts differently and seeming a bit more giddy than normal around you.

Tonight, he decides you should go alone. You question him for a second, but happily agree. He tells you to get dressed in something nice. You scramble through your closet, looking for something along the lines of "impressive."

You find a cute, green dress you wore for a high school retreat a while back. Perfect. You slip it in, check yourself in the mirror, then do a quick, cute job of makeup. You check yourself one last time, taking a deep breath before you hear the car outside. You slip your heels on and run out the door.

When he sees you, he freezes, turning a glance into a deep gaze. Be slowly brushes his green hair from his eyes, never ripping his from you. You blush at his consistent stare. Your hands nervously grip the sides of your skirt.

"My god, you look gorgeous,"he sighs.

You smile at the ground as you sit down next to him,"Thanks, Sean."

He drives you about five minutes until you get to of course, your favorite fancy restaurant. Ever. You don't notice until you get inside that he's wearing a green tie and gray coat over it.

When you get to your table, Sean, being the gentleman he always was, pulls the chair out for you and pushes you in. He sits down across from you, smiling.

You don't say anything the whole dinner, and you two talk about things, as usual. It's not until the way home, you feel something on your hand. You look down, watching as his hand turns over yours, and his fingers lace with yours.

You look up at him, and notice that he looks nervous,"Sean?"

"Y/N, look, I can barely handle myself around you, and you have no clue how long I've waited to do that. Lately, I've been crazy about you, trying to think about what I was gonna say right now. I know we've been best friends basically since birth, but I want to be even closer than that."

He looks down before he continues.

"I-I just- oh shite."

You giggle at his dorky stutters and how nervous he is.

"I really like you, Y/N, like really. I just want to be able to say something other than like. I want to be able to say love. I want to be able to tell the world that I love you. Will you be mine?"

You cover your mouth with your free hand in shock, and squeeze his hand.

"Oh my god, Sean! I never thought those words would ever come out of your mouth."

Then, you get into your driveway. You jump out of the car and run to the other side to hug him the second he gets out of the car,"Yes! Just yes!"

But Sean, baby... (JSE imagines)Where stories live. Discover now