Good Friends

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Brii POV

It's been three months since I started going to Maple Leaf Junior High. I met some pretty good friends like Gaby, Ali, and Kimi, but my best friend was still Anthony. I still had a crush on him but I never dared to tell him. My friends shipped us together, but I always made them shut up about it. It was funny how much effort they poured into it. They would try to fool me into kissing or hugging him, but I'd always avoid it. Anthony was a great guy. I really, REALLY, liked him. I wasn't sure if he liked me, though.

Gaby POV

Brii and Anthony is our friend group's top OTP. We've shipped it forever. It's pretty obvious why. Easily, Brii is one of the prettiest girls in our small group. It's also obvious that Brii likes Anthony. You can see it in her eyes when she talks to him. You can see in Anthony's eyes that he likes her, too. I try to get them together in a fun way, but they always resist, in an awkward blushing way. I just wish one of them says something, it really pains me to see them apart, even though they belong together. All they do is talk! Science, they sit next to each other and are ALWAYS lab partners. (Well, occasionally Brii will partner up with me or Kimi.) They belong with each other, and it's obvious that they do. They're so blinded by their nervousness of telling each other that they can't see that they like each other!

Anthony POV

Why is the world so hard to understand? I've totally fallen for Brii, but I don't know if she likes me. The farthest we've gotten in our "relationship" is being lab partners in science. I don't get this, how do I do this? I'm a guy, and I want to be the one to ask, but I'm scared. What if she rejects me? What if she's interested in someone else? Why can't I just have a small sign. A small sign to see if she likes me or not.

Kimi POV

"Come on, Brii!" I shouted at Brii. We all knew she liked Anthony, except Anthony was the only one not knowing. "Briiiiiiiiiiiiiii" Ali whined. We kept encouraging her, but she just won't  do it. I can see Anthony struggles, too. He looks at her so longingly, wanting her to know he likes her. I don't know. If these two can't see that they like each other, I'll lose all of my faith in humanity. Haha. 


"Well, there's always Valentine's Day." I told Gaby and Kimi. It was true, there was always February. I was the little demon of the group, always up to mischief. I don't care how much I'll do, I will get Brii and Anthony together. Gaby and Kimi and I are trying to make Anthony make or say something for Brii on Valentine's Day. He nervously agreed. I just hope he doesn't chicken out. The little idiot, he needs to just say something!

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