School Starts!

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Brii POV

"Ugh. Noooo....." I sadly moaned in the morning when my alarm went off. This was it. Time for school. I didn't know what to wear at ALL. I knew I had to make a good first impression, so I started with something cute and trendy, not at ALL my style. I had to make myself a good image. I ended up pairing a cute no sleeve shirt with high waisted shorts, tucking in the shirt for enhanced adorable. "Awahhhhh... I feel too revealed!" I playfully said to myself. It was a true statement, but whatever. I picked up my backpack full of locker stuff and school stuff. It was always the heaviest on the first and last day of school. When I first picked it up, I screamed "OH MAH GOSH THAT IS SO HEAVY!" like an idiot outside. I hoped no one heard me. I went into my dad's car and we drove to Maple Leaf. I was going crazy trying to make myself look outrageously pretty. I even curled my hair. I applied small amounts of makeup, even though I wasn't really that type of girl. I clutched myself as I walked in. It was huge! Not like Hogwarts huge, but pretty big for a public school. I went to the cafeteria as directed (even though it took me a couple of minutes to navigate around the school to find it) and found a place to sit. The teachers were just blabbing about stuff no one really cared about like schedules and stuff, even though we were getting our own later. After a couple of minutes, a guy sat next to me. He looked pretty cute, and I instantly crushed. "Crazy, huh? Hi, haven't seen you around here before, you must be new. I'm Anthony." He said to me. "H-Huh? Oh yeah... Really loud and stuff. Y-Yep, I actually am new. I'm B-Brianna, but you can c-call me Brii for short. I mean y-you can call me Brianna b-but you c-can also call me B-Brii." I stammered like an idiot.

Anthony POV

As I walked into Maple Leaf's loud and crowded cafeteria, I immediately noticed this new girl who caught my eye. She was really pretty and I didn't know how to introduce myself, so I just decided to do something simple and friendly. "Crazy, huh? Hi, haven't seen you around here before, you must be new. I'm Anthony." I said to her. "H-Huh? Oh yeah... Really loud and stuff. Y-Yep, I actually am new. I'm B-Brianna, but you can c-call me Brii for short. I mean y-you can call me Brianna b-but you c-can also call me B-Brii." She stuttered adorably. "Okay then, Brii. Are you in 8th grade?" I asked. I knew she was nervous, but I wanted to make her feel comforted and less scared. "Y-Yeah, I actually a-am." She said. I noticed her clutching a thick book with no title. I guessed it was a diary or journal of some sort. "What is that?" I pointed to the book she clutched. "U-um well it's a-" "BE QUIET YOU CHATTERBOXES!" A teacher yelled at us. "Sorry." We both said in unison. We were quiet during the lecture, but as soon as we were let go, we started talking again. Apparently, the book she clutched was her sketchbook. She said she wouldn't show it until she knew me better and trusted me. I understood. "Who's your home room?" I asked. She checked her schedule. "Mrs. Scarlette." She said. She seemed more at eased and less nervous. "Hey, same here!" I remarked. She smiled. She was beautiful. Everything about her was beautiful. How she talked, her smile, how she walked, her hair, her face, her personality. I loved this girl. She was amazing. We ended up having most classes the same. Our only classes not together was History and Math. We became friends before we knew it, and she had a great sense of humor. She laughed at my jokes, too, even though I didn't think they were all that funny.

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