Byron threw a smirk Cera's way as he moved closer to her. Cera rolled her eyes before fulling turning towards him. She was going to remain professional but she couldn't help that his smirk and unannounced weekend visit ticked a nerve. Still holding on to her wine glass Cera propped a hand on her hip and gave him a small smile.

"What are you doing here this Saturday morning, Mr. Steel?" Her voice wasn't exactly friendly and she put emphasis on Saturday.

Crossing his arm Bryon assumed a stance of power. "I told you last night to call me Byron."

Cera shrugged and produced her own smirk. "I prefer Mr. Steel. It makes you sound almost as important as you think you are."

Byron's nostrils flared. This woman really liked to get under his skin. Or at least try to. He really wished Jasmine hadn't been busy last night because even though he worked out for an extra hour this morning seeing Cera in the flesh had him riled up all over again. He meant what he said last night about not keeping his hands to himself. She was a beautiful woman and she was determined to resist him. This made him like a kid in a candy shop; he wanted to look, touch, and taste as much as he could until he was sick.

Byron tamped down on his desires. He was here for business. He held up the yellow envelope for her to see.

"I brought the contract over for you to look at."

Cera's eyes narrowed. "On a Saturday? After we just finished discussing it last night?"

Byron shrugged. "I don't like to waste time. The sooner the contract gets signed the sooner we can start working together. Besides, I'm not the only one working on the weekend." He motioned towards her drawing table where her sketches were clearly visible. "You clearly couldn't wait for Monday."

He moved towards her to hand her the envelope. She grabbed for it but he didn't let it go. He just stood there in her space, staring at her.

Byron reached up and placed a gentle hand on Cera's neck, his thumb brushing her jaw and tilting her head to the left a bit.

"What happened here?"

Cera's eyes widen just a touch. She hadn't thought about what she put on when she finished her workout. Not expecting to see anyone today she just tossed on an oversized blouse and a pair of jeans. Now with the way Byron was touching her and looking at her with a slightly furrowed brow, she knew that the red splotches she had acquired thanks to her hives were clearly visible to him. They had stopped itching after the dinner since he put her out of her misery by finally giving her an answer of whether or not he would work with her.

"Did you have this last night? Does it itch?" Byron continued with his line of question before realizing that Cera hadn't answered him.

Cera stood in a bit of a dazed as his touched burned through her. His touching her did not help her current situation. His soft caress blazed a trail right down to her core. She had barely registered his questions before he called her name again. She blinked back to consciousness.

Realizing that he was still touching her Cera jerked her head back some before answering. "You happened. All that damn waiting you made me do made me break out. You knew you were going to work with me the whole time, didn't you?"

Byron only chuckled. She was right of course, but he wouldn't let her know that. Taking a play out of her book, he simply didn't answer her question. He moved his hand to her waist stepping further into the space she had attempted to move him out of.

"Don't fret, Ms. Michaelson, I won't bite, at least not today. And are you sure it wasn't the worry instead of the waiting that had you breaking out?" He asked as he gave her a gentle squeeze while she tried to step back.

Byron as her as she rolled her eyes and folded her arms across her chest. He couldn't help but notice the bit of extra cleavage that the action produced. He knew she would neither confirm nor deny that she had been worried, but he was going to put her mind at ease anyway.

"Cera you have nothing to worry about. Your work is amazing." Cera turned to look him in the eyes and Byron saw her expression soften. "I am honored that you want to work with me. Honestly with how good your work is I can't possibly imagine what kind of help you would want from me. You are good, Cera. One of the best designers I've had the pleasure of working with. Remember that and don't doubt it. Ever."

He followed his words with a series of gentle kisses to her lips to which she did not protest. When he pulled back it was with a small bite to his bottom lip. He just couldn't get enough of her. Byron caressed her cheek once more before giving her one final kiss.

"Look over the contract. Call me if you need to make changes and get it signed and back to me as soon as you can. Together we will do big things, Ms. Michaelson."

With that he left to get tot his own office. Cera remained standing there wondering how he not only managed to know the exact words of her mantra, but also how he could calm her down and excite her at the very same time.

End GameWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt