It was night time, in a dark forest. There was bright moonlight. Heavy footsteps. Glint of metal underneath that moonlight. Cuts, blood and pain....

Instinctively my hand went to the part of my arm that was slashed. Who...did...?

Cole eyes went wide as he saw my reflexes. He knew, that he is responsible for slashing my arm. Biting his lip, he said, "Sorry sis, for...for hurting you...I.....was not myself..."

I look up at him, slightly bewildered. " was Cole that..slashed my arm?" my own little voice told me, at the back of my head.

My muscles twitch involuntarily, as if in remembrance of what happened that day. Casting my gaze on the ground, I couldn't really bring myself to look at Cole, directly in the eye. At least, not yet...

"I'm really sorry, Chloe..." Cole utter as he grabbed a stool and placed it next to my bed. Plopping himself down on the metal seat, he slowly touched my hand and grasped it, begging for forgiveness.

"I shouldn't have hurt you like that. I was stupid. I was high. Thank god, I stopped before it got serious...." his voice trailed off as his facial expression contorted to something between shock and confusion.

"Although...I have forgotten why I stopped..." he mumbled as he rubbed the back of his neck with his right hand. "Well," he shrugged. "All well ends well I guess.."

Slowly, Cole's voice seem to drown with my thoughts as I caught a glimpse of a face. Brown hair.... A touch...A kind gesture... It transitioned so fast that I can't seem to remember or focus on anything.

I couldn't seem to remember anything that transitioned before me. My brain racked itself, creating even more immense pain. However, tears began pouring from my eyes like waterfalls. As if something pierced through my heart, I clenched my chest area, hurt and confused.

My mind doesn't remember anything but my heart reacts to it...

Cole slowly approached me and place his hand on my shoulder, reassuringly. "Chloe...sis? Are you-"

"The doctor is here," Namjoon said, interrupting Cole as the medical team burst through the door. They began examining me, by flashing lights into my eyes and reading my pulse.

"Why did you make her cry?" Namjoon hushed at Cole, and gave him a "serious" look.

Cole merely scratched his head and shrugged.

I winced at the blinding light and the doctor began telling his medical assistant, medical terms that no one understands and they nod to each other, giving a thumbs up.

"She's fine...just a bit over the edge and overwhelmed that's all. She just needs some rest and she'll be fine," the doctor announced as he jot down notes on his file and nod towards Namjoon and Cole. He then exited the room, followed by his assistants.

"That's a relief," Namjoon breathed as he wiped the sweat that is glistening on his forehead. Cole nodded too, clasping his hands together and pursuing his lips.

I couldn't hear the doctor nor Namjoon as images once again played like a film in my head. There is something...No, a person...A man?

His name...I know it. It lingers on my lips, itching to be pronounced.

"Where..." I tried to speak, with a little difficulty.

"Yes?" Namjoon immediately ran to my side, his ears close to me to hear what I have to say.

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