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I flipped the toasty pancake from my pan and placed it in front of Jimin on a white plate. The steam that rises from the pastry made Jimin's mouth water as his eyes lit up with joy.

He waited for them pancakes to be done whilst sucking on the fork placed in his mouth.

"And, that's it," I said as I flipped my last pancake and placed it on my plate. Taking off my apron, I sat down across the table, in front of Jimin.

Jimin giggled and rubbed his hands in glee as I took the maple syrup and poured it over his pancakes. I even added butter and some sunflower seeds to our meal.

"Thanks for the food!" he smiled before he began stabbing them pancakes with his fork.

Jimin moaned with pleasure as the butter melts in his mouth with the hot pancakes. "Mmm...I could eat more of these!!" he exclaimed.

"More?!" I asked, slightly shocked.

"Yeah! I mean, I'm larger now so I could definitely fit more of these," he laughed as he patted his belly.

"I was thinking that you might ask so I've prepared extra batter beforehand..." I smiled as I turned to stir the batter to make a fresh new batch.

As I turned on the stove I thought of Leo. "Oh yeah, I should make some extra pancakes to pack them for Leo..." I mutter.

Jimin stopped eating for a while as he stood up and grabbed my arm. He seemed to avoid my gaze a little as he scratched his head, "We can make it some other time for him..."

"But..." I began.

"Just..." Jimin began as he looked at me intently. I froze as he came closer..and closer..his body inches away from me before he leaned in and whispered in my ear, "I would like to have them all to myself.."

I pushed Jimin away with a shove as I sighed, "Jimin...."

Jimin merely smiled gleefully at me. 

"Do you seriously love-" I began but was interrupted by Jimin as he grabbed onto my shoulders.

His face is only inches away from me, "Yes, I love pancakes..." he said as he licked and smacked his full lips, "particularly, yours..."

I blushed and didn't dare to look into his burning gaze. Giggling, Jimin claps his hands as he said, "I have a plan.."


"Where are we going?" I breathed as I held Jimin's  hands.

Taking me somewhere, Jimin grasped my hands in his, tightly as he led me along the way. His hands are so warm that it made me feel all tingly on the inside.

I feel safe, protected. 

Blood rushes to my cheeks making them red in this cold, chilly weather. Smiling to myself, I gaze at my surroundings with Jimin leading me.


"Yeah?" he answered as he looked back at me from the corner of his eyes.

"What happened to Jin?"

Jimin stopped in his tracks as he turned around to look at me. "Why are you asking that?"

"It's just...I wonder, you know..." I mumbled as I played with my fingers.

Jimin sighed as he held onto both of my hands. Holding them to his mouth, his light kiss lingered on them before he continued, "You should not concern yourself with him."

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