Chapter Five

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So about the story... I will continue updates faster than they've been going, but the story will probably end up being almost as short as After All That, It's Come To This? And if you haven't read that it's 8 chapters... so this will be a little bit longer.

Anyways, enjoy. Oh, also, to parody other mystery books and stuff and plays and movies I'm going to start naming chapters after movies, books, playwrites and stuff. See if you can guess them!

Chapter 5: Pretty Little Secret Hider


Officer Jones POV:

I sighed once more. I loved coffee and donuts in the morning, but I was still getting beat by this Serenade White case. We all spotted Claire, Mandy, and Jessica sitting at one of the glass tables chatting and texting on their phones while occasionally drinking coffee. 

Casually, we went up to the counter of the coffee shop as a girl with blond hair pulled back into a ponytail came up to us smiling.

"What can I get for you today?" She asked. 

"Two black coffee's." Williams said. I rubbed my sleep deprived face.

"Long week?" She asked.

"You said it." I told her and she gave a little chuckle. She placed two coffees in front of us a minute later.

"There you go, two black coffees." She said and we paid her. We walked over to the girls' table, pulled up two chairs, and sat down. We all sat in silence for a moment, with the girls glancing at us and then at each other. 

"Hello Ms. Claire, Ms. Mandy, and Ms. Jessica." I nodded to each of them. 

"Who are you?" Claire asked with a bit of attitude. 

"My name is Bill Jones. But you lovely ladies can call me Officer Jones. So I suggest you watch your tone." I said looking at each one of them to make sure they got the point. "This here is my friend, Spencer Willaims is his name, but you can call him Officer Williams."

They all stared at me blankly.

"Is that clear?" I asked calmly. Slowly, as if they were machines that hadn't operated in a while, they began to nod their heads. "Good. Do you know why we're here?" I asked. They shook their heads. "Can you guess?" Nothing. "I said can you guess?" I said a little louder.

"Look, officer, I didn't steal the shoes on purpose... I got them for my mom because she really wanted a new pair of shoes but didn't want to spend so much on something so expensive-"

"Stop, Ms. Claire. That is not why we're here. But thanks for tipping me off, I'll get back to you on that later." I told her. She closed her eyes and sunk into her chair, sighing at her mistake. "We are here because a young girl you three know was poisned by an apple the other day. Does the name Serena White ring a bell?" All their eyes flew open. Jessica seemed most shocked at it, but then hid her emotion.

"Serena was poisoned?" Mandy said. "By who?" 

"Well, that's why we're here. We would like to question you about this, because as of now you are all potential suspects. Now, would you like to come with us back to the station?" I asked as Williams and I stood up. Slowly, the three girls stood up with shaking legs. 

Mary White's POV:

I grabbed another tissue from the tissue box, still unable to cope with my daughters condition. Who would want to murder Serena, I had to ask myself. She's so kind to every one, I just don't understand. I blew my nose on yet another tissue as the sobs came out.

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