Chapter Two

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Sorry it's taking me sooo long to upload this. I haven't really have much time lately :p. Sorry for any other uploads. That's track and drama for ya.....

Anyways, enjoy :D


Murderer's POV:

My plan was carried out perfectly. Serenade White had been taken care of. Done. Through. I wanted to see her for myself, see her cold dead face.

I had heard they had taken her to the hospital, probably to try to revive her. I smiled wickedly to myself as I walked in the two sliding doors that automatically opened when I stepped on the black mat.

I walked up to the receptionist.

Blonde hair piled into a ponytail, with green eyes and ruby red lips.

"May I see Serenade White please?" I asked innocently. The receptionist looked at me, then at her computer. She typed in a few things.

"Room one-oh five, floor four." She smiled.

"Thank you very much." I said. I walked over to the elevator and punched in the number four. The door closed with only me in, and I waited until the moving contraption stopped with a ding.

The two doors opened and I walked passing and counting the numbers as I went.

"One-oh three, one-oh four, one-oh five." I said quietly. The door was opened, and I looked in. Serenade looked dead. I was pleased with myself until I heard a steady beebing. 'beep beep. beep beep. beep beep.'

I knew that was her heart on the machine that kept her alive. There was no chance I'd ever be able to go in there with this tight of security and someone always in there.

But, it was a landslide that Serenade would ever wake up.

I turned around and back to the elevator whistling a tune. I pressed the first floor and stepped out as soon as it stopped. I past the receptionist and out the automatically sliding doors.

Officer Jones POV:

What we had found under Serenade White's bed was an apple. Not any ordinary apple. Yes, the apple looked delicious. Perfect in every way. But there was something else, something else about that apple.

It t first had a delectible smell, but then got a horrid smell. I guess Serenade had only smelled the delicious smell, and ate it without thinking.

We were in our crime lab, working on the case. I knew the smell had been eye drops, but my crew was checking. Williams ran up to me with a sheet of paper.

"Jones, it was eye drops. Ordinary eye drops. We also checked for fingerprints, but found none. The person must had used elastic gloves, because we found a small trace of elastic." Williams informed me. "Why would they use eye drops? There's hundreds of other poisons."

"If you were committing a quick crime, what would you grab and use? If you were an inexperienced killer, you'd probably use something like eye drops. It's still pretty dangerous, though." I started.

"So the killer had wanted to commit a quick crime, but didn't have much time to do it. So he or she took an apple and soaked it in eye drops." Williams said.

"Correct, eye drops have different symptoms if consumed. Normally, it would either be induced vomiting or diahreah. There's a lease likely chance, which is being put in a coma. "

Looks like Serenade wasn't very lucky this time." I finished.

Lucy's POV:

My sister has been poisoned, and lately i've been on the brink about everything. My parents are bawling their eyes out over Serena, yet they care not about me.

What happens if someone tries to poison me? Or even worse, kill me?

I haven't gotten any sleep or eaten much. I just didn't want to risk having the same fate as Serena. My friend  Jasmine's dad has been working on the case.

I knew he knew I was afraid as they rolled Serena and drove her to the hospital.

He reassured me that there was nothing to be afraid of, because it would be less likely that 'that' person would try to kill a second time. Because they would be easier to catch.

I liked Mr. Jones, he was a nice funny man. Almost like and uncle to me. I combed my hair with a brush until my brown-red hair looked shiny and not ratty. I ran out the door just in time for the bus to pick me up.

Ryan's POV:

This is probably my fault. No, this has to be my fault. Right after I admitted I liked Serena, she goes and gets poisoned. I should have watched better.

I remembered the time I got to hold her. Sorta. When we were hiding behind the tree together keeping out of sight from the....

I jumped up off my couch out of my thoughts. I ran and hoped in my parent's car, and quickly drove to the police station.

Amy's POV:

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god......... HOW DID SHE END UP IN THE HOSPITAL!?!?!?!?!?! I heard from people talking that she... I don't know, something to do with poison? Maybe she got food poisoning!!!!

I really hope my dear friend Serena is ok. I can think of a few people who could have done this. Claire for one. That stupid dumb blonde bitch. She probably hurt poor Serena!

It was probably about what happened in science class........... No time! I must get to her room as soon as possible or else I may get hurt as well!

I ran up to the receptionist. She looked up from her computer. White hair piled into a bun sat on her head, while brown eyes and wrinkles covered her face.

"Can I help you miss?" She asked annoyingly.

"Uh, could you tell me where Serenade White's room is?" I asked politely, even though I was in a rush. She sighed and looked back at her computer.

"Room one-oh five, floor four." She said.

"Thank you sir, I mean Mame..." I stuttered as I ran down the hall into the elevator. I didn't know what to expect. I pressed floor four and the doors shut. "Come on, come on!" I said to myself. 

I kept moving and it looked like I had to pee.

The door opened and I sprinted down the hall towards Serena's room.


Hah? Hah? So wudya think? Do you think you may guess who the killer is? No? THEN KEEP READING! Comment+Fan+Vote=

Camote! :D

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