Chapter 6

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Today, I came back to wattpad. And today I went through some of my notifications, and, (to my surprise) this story has been getting a good bit of the attention for the past month. So, I have decided to update this story since really there's only around a good two or three chapters left. (I had intended to make it that short originally, so don't hate me.)


Mr. Jones POV:

"Lyle, please have a seat." I gesture to the chair opposite me. He sits down with a great opposition, obviously not wanting to be here. His stubbly head and thin eyebrows cause me to realize he still hasn't fully recovered from the little "accident" with Claire. 

"What's this all about?" He asks, tipping back his chair in the process. 

"This is all about the case of Serenade White." I say calmly. 

"That bitch? She deserves what she got." 

"I don't think you understand, Lyle, she may die. No one deserves to die." My words seem to get to him and he places his tipped back chair back on the ground.

"You think I did it." 

"I have reason to believe you did, however I'm not accusing you." I fold my hands and place them on the table. He leans in forward, taunting me.

"This has to do with what happened in biology class, doesn't it? This has to do with-" He rubs his hand on his stubbly head. "this, doesn't it?" 

"The fact that you threatened a poor girl who was accused for something she never had a hand in is awful." I shake my head. 

"What are you saying?" 

"Serenade White was not the one who purposely messed up the mixture. It was Claire." 

Something flashes through his face. Anger, realization, then guilt. However, something in my gut tells me he wasn't the one to harm Serena. As a cop, though, I have to continue the interrogation.

"Lyle, can you explain to me why you threatened to kill Serenade the next time you were to see her?" I ask, continuing our conversation.

"Where did you hear that Serena wasn't the one to purposely make me look like this?"

"That's classified information. Now please, let's continue with the interrogation. Why did you threaten to kill Serenade the next time you were to see her?" I ask more firmly. He doesn't like this, though, and pounds his fist on the table.

"Why is that classified information?!"

"Lyle, calm down and please continue!" I scold. "I can lose my job if I tell you, someone else may even get hurt. Rumors will spread! So please, I'll ask again. Why did you threaten her?" He calms down a bit and slumps back down into his seat. 

"I didn't really mean it. It's just something people say when they're mad. I never planned on hurting her, I like her, I really do. I'm somewhat of an introvert. I don't express myself very well."

"I see. Well Lyle, I think our time here is finished." I say, standing up from my seat. Lyle follows my actions and heads towards the door with me. "If you hear anything suspicious, don't hesitate to ask."

"Officer Jones." Williams gets my attention as Lyle leaves. 


"We're at a standing point in the investigations. All our leads end up at a dead end. I hate to say it but I think we're going to have to put the investigation on hold."

Jessica's POV:

I need to figure this out. I need to find the person who wanted to kill Serena. There's so many people to suspect though, I don't know how I'm going to figure out how who did it by myself. There's got to be something, some sort of clue or some sort of piece of missing evidence the detectives missed.

I stop myself and think. Did they even check Serena's gym locker? I shake my head and continue hiding behind the bush in front of the school. Eventually a janitor should come out, and that's when I'll make my move. 

I jump out as soon as I see the door opening. An older gentlemen grunts as he exits the building, then turns to me, obviously not to happy to see me. 

"What're ya doin' here, girl? It's late. Go home." 

"I'm sorry to bother you at such a late hour, but I left my...math book in my locker. Do you mind if I go and get it?" I ask innocently, his grouchy expression never changing. He grunts and mumbles something under his breath, then sighs.

"Alright. I'm going to lock this door when you get in. You retrieve your book, and then you leave through this door. This is the only door you can enter through that will lock again, so you better go through this door. Are we clear?" He tells me. 


He lets me in and locks the door after I enter. I'm all alone in this building now, forgetting exactly how dark it would be. I get out my cell phone and use that as a light source, though it's a poor one. 

"Wow, it's so dark." I chuckle nervously to myself. "I almost feel as though I were in a horror game." My mind instantly turns to all of my dark thoughts and fears, making me feel as though I were being watched. I feel so...uncomfortable. 

I maneuver my way to the gym, but find the doors locked. Frustrated and anxious, I think of how else I could get in. Moving my cell around, the light lands on a vent, not to far above my head. Feeling lucky that I carry a pocket knife at all times on my car keys, I instantly pull it out to unscrew the screw. Before that, though, I need to figure out a way to get up to said vent.

Looking around, I see one of the trash cans scattered about the school. I run over and look inside. Empty. Great. I drag it over to the vent and flip it over, then step on top. Using my pocket knife I unscrew each screw, then place them all in my back pocket before taking the cover to the vent off. I pull myself into the vent.

Crawling as if I were in an army training ground I make my way through the vents. I keep asking myself what I'm doing. This is stupid. You're not going to find anything. I shake away all those thoughts. I can feel it deep down, I can feel it in my gut. My intuition tells me I'm going to find something...just...something.

I reach the ventilation that leads to the girl's locker room.Since it's so old it was only being kept on by one screw, the other three being too old and rusted. I push it roughly with my hands and it clatters to the ground. I climb onto the top of the lockers and make my way down to the floor while dusting myself off. 

" 19..." I mumble under my breath while searching the numbers on the green painted lockers. The room smells awful, and smells of old gym socks and sweat. I feel almost lucky to know Serena's locker combination, and even more lucky that we shared a locker. I remember at the beginning of the year I lost my lock, so Serena let me share a locker with her. To avoid conflict, I'd get to gym early to change and leave last so no one would see me putting my things in her locker. 

Tears begin to fill my eyes as I think about the memory that wasn't so long ago. I'm a horrible person. I'm a horrible person. I'm a horrible person. 

"I'm a horrible person." I whisper as tears fall down my face. Pressure is suddenly on the back of my head. A click resounds throughout the room.

"Indeed you are."


Author's Note:

So, as everyone who is actually still reading this knows, I was originally planning to give up on this book. However, I decided to shorten the story (I can't really remember how long I'd origanlly planned it out) so the next chapter will be the final chapter. I'm sorry if you wanted it to be longer, just be glad I actually decided to finish this. I need to finish this for myself, since I never really finish anything -.-

Next chapter will be up whenever I finish it. -TP

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2013 ⏰

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