Scömìche is real!

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**Scott POV**
You know what I love? Waking up next to the one I love. Me and Mitch just started dating FINALLY! We want to tell the fans that Scömìche is real but before that we have to talk to the PTX reps.

"Good morning, Samantha." Mitch says coming in the kitchen. "Good morning, Maryland. Did you sleep well." "Yes of course because I slept next to you the whole night." Mitch says and I start to blush. "Awe well don't forget we have a meeting this morning with the reps." "I know. I know. Don't have to remind me every second Scottie!" "Well I'm gonna go get ready. You better be ready when I get back down here, Mitchie!"

At the reps office

**Mitch POV**
me and Scott are sitting in this office at this long wood table impatiently. "I wonder what's taking them so long! I just want to tell our fans already!" Scott says in annoyance. "They'll be in here soon, Scott. Hopefully." Our four PTX reps come in and immediately say, "you can't tell the fans about your relationship." "Wait! Why!?" Scott says frustrated. "It's bad publicity. It will give PTX a bad image. What if you guys break up? We can't risk a big conflict like that between two band members." Another rep says. "So me and Mitch can't be honest with our fans? Like we want to because you think it will make us look bad?" Scott says. "Correct." One rep says. "Whatever I'm leaving." Scott then storms out of the office.

"What are we gonna do now, Scott" I say hoping he has a solution. "I don't know, Mitch. I don't know."

~Yay new story! A Scömìche fanfic I hope y'all like this one and I'll try to update everyday along with the Scirstie story! Love y'all have a good day/night! ~Mary J💜🍓

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