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**Mitch POV**
Kirstie and I are just sitting around putting things together for the wedding planning stuff and gossiping while drinking some wine and just having a good time.

"So Mitchie." Kirstie says. "Yes Queen?" I ask. "What did you think when Scott purposed to you on stage?" She asks. "At first I was shocked and like not even ready to marry him." I say. "Omg really!?" She says surprised. "Yes. Like I almost said no to him but I couldn't do that in front of our fans and stuff and I didn't want to break him heart." I say. "Does Scott know any of this?" She asks. "No. I wasn't gonna tell him I was thinking about saying no. Besides I couldn't be more happy with the fact me and Scott are getting married." I say. "As long as you're happy now. I know how you are, Mitchie. You have to take a chance every once in a while." She says. "You're right sis." I say. "Okay! Let's get back to this wedding planning!" She says filling her glass with more wine.

I know some people might not think I'm happy with being engaged to Scott but I am! I really am.

**Scott POV**
Kevin, Avi and I just got fitted for our tuxedos and are going to go back home to see what Mitch and Kirstie are up to. With those two and wine there's no telling what they've been doing or talking about. Just as long as they get some wedding planning done I don't really care.

"Did you text Kirstie?" I ask Avi. "Yeah. They want us to pick up dinner on the way back to your house." He says. So I call up the place and order some food for everyone. We're getting pizza of course because that's what Mitchie likes when he's been drinking.

Later that night

Everyone just left to go to their own homes and now it's just me and Mitch. "How did the wedding planning go?" I ask. "Oh you know it went good. Planning. Drinking wine. Gossiping. You know the usual." He jokes and we both laugh. Then he turns to me and asks, "Scott, have you ever had a doubt about getting married to each other?" "Of course not! I always knew I wanted to marry you and spend the rest of my life with you." I say. "Why you ask?" I ask. "Just asking." He says. That's weird.

Had he had doubts about taking our relationship to the next level? Does he not want to marry me now? I sure it's nothing. Mitch always asks random questions like that. I hope he doesn't have any doubts about all of this. That would break my heart.

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