Cold feet

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Scott and Mitch's wedding day
**Mitch POV**
Today is mine and Scott's wedding and I'm completely nervous. I've never been this nervous in my life. Am I making the right choice marrying Scott? I have no clue what I'm doing. Ugh! I can't do this! What was I thinking!? I have to leave I have to leave right now!

**Scott POV**
today is the day I marry my best friend. I can't believe it! I'm so excited and nervous and possibly every other feeling you could feel. Oh now it's time for me to stand and wait for Mitch to walk down the aisle.

I stand there watching everyone standing up at the alter with us walk down the aisle waiting to see Mitch's face. After Kirstie walks down the aisle and stands next to where Mitch is suppose to stand Mitch is suppose to walk down with his dad, but he hasn't yet. I look over at Kirstie and whisper, "where's Mitch!" "I don't know! I didn't go check on him I thought his sister would." Kirstie says. "Can you go see please?" I ask Kirstie nicely. She agrees and walks to the back of the church to find Mitch.

Few minutes later

Kirstie comes down the aisle to me with a note. "He left a note." She says with regret in her voice. I then read the note to myself.

I can't do this. In sorry. I love you, but I can't do this.

I look up at everyone looking at me and say, "the weddings off...he left me." As everyone gasps and whispers to each other I walk out of the church and Kirstie and the guys follow behind me.

"Scott are you okay?" They all ask. "No. No I'm not." I say. "We're here for you Scott. We'll get to the bottom of this." Kirstie says. "Thanks." I say.

I can't believe he left me at the alter. Maybe the reps where right. Maybe being with Mitch was bad publicity.

Sorry to give this book a sad ending and kind of a cliffhanger but don't worry there will be a second book called Broken coming either tomorrow or some time next week! Thanks for all the views and support in this story it means so much to me. Love y'all!
~Mary J💜🍓

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