"Aria?! Are you alright?!" Xander asks and I stand straight up.

"Yeah just got a lamp thrown at my face, gotta go kinda trying to kill someone."

"Aria I though we were done with this." He says softly and I freeze at his words. I should be. I said-- I'm a fucking idiot. I- Daren killed my family- but I told Xander I didn't want to do this anymore. I don't want to do this-- but he killed my family. He killed- I gasp out loudly as something crashes into my head and I fall to the floor dropping the phone and gun. "Aria? Aria?! Are you alright?!" I hear Xander's voice faintly from the phone and I touch my ear pulling my hand in front of my face. I'm bleeding, oh fuck I'm bleeding. I glare up at Daren and he has a satisfied smirk on his face he then turns to grab something else, but I grab my knife again and throw it straight into his shoulder. He grunt loudly and I push myself forward kicking the back of his ankles with full force. He knees buckle forward slightly and I take this moment to stand up shakily and slam the side of my fist against his head hard.

"Bastard." He falls to the ground and I stomp on his crotch causing him to scream. I shake my head feeling a little light headed and walk to my gun trying to get it.

"WHERE IS HE?" I hear Xander scream and barge through the door with a red face and breathing heavy. He looks up at me and his eyes soften for a second then becomes furious seeing the blooding dripping down my neck. He looks at Daren on the floor and pick him up by his shirt  throwing him against the wall, causing the knife to go deeper. "I will never let you hurt her again as long as I live."

"What are you going to do cunt? I thought you were suppose to hate her." Daren laughs coughing slightly and spits in Xander's face. Xander pulls him forward and slams him against the wall I see the tip of the blade making a small tent under Darens shirt.

"This." Xander grabs both sides of Darens face and places the tips of his thumbs ontop of his eyes and begin digging his thumb in. Daren lets out a blood curling scream and I watch Xander in shock. I watch as blood begins dripping and squirting out as XAnder pushes his thumbs in deeper and I shake my head to get back my thoughts.

"Xander, I can't let kill anyone else." I say quickly and rush forward trying to pull his arms away but he stays in place pushing his fingers deeper ignoring Darens' pleas. I breathe heavily watching him, I can't let kill anyone, he'll regret it, he doesn't want this either fucking- I run to my night stand pull out another knife then run back to Xander and Daren slipping my hand under Xanders stabbing the knife in Daren's neck. Daren begin gasping out and Xander pulls his bloody hands away staring as his body slips down the wall.

"You're brother says he loves you." I say as Daren stares up at me taking his last breath and go limp falling to the ground blood draining out of his lifeless body.

"Why'd you do that? I was going to kill him, he hurt-"

"I didn't want to let you have another death on your hands. I don't want to put you through this bullshit again." I grab his hands, ignoring the blood, and lean forward pressing a small kiss to his lips. I pull away and grab a bag from my closet putting in a few clothes, I then go around the room shoving in necessities. I freeze when I hear footsteps running to the door and someone barge in, more like two someone's. Marissa and Max breathe heavily with their guns pointed looking around the room and I sling my bag over my shoulder standing next to Xander. "Little too late there, guys."

"Aria- What happened?" Marissa breathes out and puts her gun away staring at Daren's body.

"He was in my room, I killed him."

"No  one told us you came back." Max says putting his gun away and pulling his phone out.

"Oh.. Kinda snuck in." I scratch the back of my head looking at Xander and he places a hand on my lower back. (yes, with the blood. If you're a gang leader you can't be squeamish)

"It's your house-" Marissa says walking over to Darens dead body, crouching down and examining it.

"Alright, listen guys, I was planning on leaving-- with Xander. He and I-"

"Why?! Is he fucking forcing you?! You shit head!" Max yells at Xander and grabs his shirt.

"Do you really want to fight the guy with blood on his hands, literally?" I roll my eyes and Max glances back and fourth between us letting go of Xanders' shirt and stepping back still glaring. "We're leaving because... We don't want to be gang leaders anymore."

"What?" Marissa and Max say at the same time as Marissa stands up.

"Okay I know it sounds crazy and-- but see this is why we were leaving without an explanation. It's complicated..."

"How the fuck is it complicated, you're leaving everything you built-- all of us!!" Max says and I sigh stepping forward to him and grab his shoulders.

"Listen to me, I'm not leaving you. My phone will always be on for you, but now I'm leaving my gang in your care. You've been there with me through everything, since the beginning, and I can't think of a better person to leave in charge. I will keep an eye on everything, but you will take charge. I believe in you, okay? And Marissa will be by your side." I wrap my arms around him, rubbing his back.

"Can't you just say that I'm in charge of it until you come back?" Max sighs hugging back.

"If that helps you sleep at night." I laugh and pull Marissa into the hug giving them a tight squeeze closing my eyes. "You guys are my family, and have been for years. But I have to go now, I will always be here, just a phone call and I'm here. I love you guys. Tell everyone else I love them too." I let go of them sighing and I watch as they nod their heads holding each others hands. "After you." I motion Xander to the window and he crawls out, with me behind him, I glance back before I get on the tree and wave goodbye to them. They do the same, I jump from branch to branch again until I jump to the ground. I get in the car and throw my bag in the back.

"Ready?" Xander asks getting in and I shake my head.

"You have to talk to Josh."

"I thought we were just leaving." He looks at my furrowing his eyebrows and I shake my head.

"It's not fair that I got to say goodbye, you need to say goodbye too."

"Aria, it's fine, I kinda just want-"

"Let's go." I say sternly and Xander sighs turning the car on and driving from the tree onto the road. I grab his free hand and begin rubbing the dry blood off his hand. At this point I think this is the closest we're going to get to normal. I laugh quietly and I look up at Xander as he glances at me.

"What?" He asks smiling.

"You have blood on your hands, I have blood on my ear and neck, and- nevermind not funny. But you're kinda cute when you take control, but you're honestly adorable when you just do what I say." I grin and he rolls his eyes.

"Shut up."

Gang leader Vs. Gang leaderWhere stories live. Discover now