Chapter Thirty Nine // Fireworks And Cheering

ابدأ من البداية

"You never know Rae, in time she might come to her senses and realise she was wrong" I said trying to give her hope, she agreed.

Suddenly I heard the loudest cry and shrieks coming from outside, I stood up from my bed and glanced out the window to see that nobody was around. I opened my bedroom window and stuck my head out, still on the phone to Rae. I looked around the front of my house before realising that James' bedroom window was open and the crying was him.

I dropped my phone on the floor and sprinted down my stairs and out of my house.


I ran out of my garden and straight to James' front door before rapping on it loudly, I looked down at what I was wearing then realising I was in my pink fluffy pyjamas and bare feet. Oh well.

I knocked on the door harder before it opened from my knuckles hitting on it, James must've left it open when he got home. I entered the house and spotted Bosley sitting outside James' bedroom door, he was scratching the door and crying because he wanted inside.

I made my way up the stairs and entered James' bedroom to find him surrounded by empty bottles of vodka and crying on the floor, he looked like he could barely move.

I stared at the vodka bottles for a moment and instantly began to panic..


"Zane?" I shouted as I entered his bedroom and realised the mess he had created. There were holes in the wall from his fists, the springs on his bed were broken, every poster was torn down, his TV was smashed and there was alcohol everywhere.

Zane was standing in the corner of his bedroom while crying loudly, I had no idea what was going on so I approached him slowly and held out my hands to him.

"Zane? What's happened?" I asked quietly, my breath was shaking because I was terrified. He turned to me and grabbed me violently before pulling me close and giving me a huge hug, his tears began to soak my shoulder. I stayed silent as he continued to cry but before I knew it he was tightening his grip around my waist.

"Everything is ruined!" He shouted, he was still crying loudly. I tried to pull away because I wanted to look at him as we spoke but he wouldn't let me, I began to freak out internally.

"I need you!" Zane yelled as he tried to unbutton my shirt, he pushed me against the wall so it was impossible for me to get away. I began to scream and cry loudly until his mum ran into the room and pulled him away from me.

"H-He tried to rape me!!" I screamed before falling onto the floor, my whole body was shaking in fear and I felt like I was about to pass out.


"J-James?" I muttered quietly as soon as the flashback left my head, James lay still on the floor while silently weeping. I approached him and sat down on the floor not far from where he was. He looked over at me for a moment before beginning to loudly cry again, I grabbed the half drank vodka bottle from his shaky hands and helped him sit up.

"Louise cheated!" He sobbed while resting his head on my chest, now he finally realises. He held onto me tightly while continuing to cry, I gently played with his messy hair and sighed.

"You know what James? She doesn't deserve you. You deserve somebody who gives you butterflies as soon as they smile, somebody who protects you from all bad, somebody who would die to make you happy, somebody who will love you endlessly no matter what happens or however you turn out in the future, somebody who cherishes you and makes you happy even in the darkest times.. Somebody you can trust.." I ranted while smiling to myself, I could picture James being happy in my head.

"That's you Sophia" James whispered in between each huge gasp for air, I let go of him and stared in shock. I didn't know what to say or what to do. James sat up slowly and stared at me also, this was probably the worst I had ever seen him.. But he still looked lovely to me.

"It's you" He said again before pointing across the floor to me, I didn't hesitate this time and neither did he. I finally was able to kiss him with no worries and I did it. I felt like I was in one of those movies, the ones where the soul mates are never able to be together until the end of the movie and when they kiss there are fireworks and crowds of people cheering. I could see it happening in my head as we kissed.

I pulled away from him and smiled widely, he did the same before getting up, sprinting to the bathroom and throwing up. I sat awkwardly on the floor by myself and bit my lip.

"That wasn't my fault was it?" I shouted to him before laughing.

"It was the vodka you dork" James said, I got up and made my way to the bathroom before sitting on the side of the bath. James sat on the floor with his head over the toilet.

"You should've called me the second you got home, being alone and feeling that way isn't a good idea" I sighed, he nodded.

"I wanted to be alone though, I wanted to get drunk"

He began to throw up again and I looked away or else I'd feel sick too.

"Shall I run you a bath?" I asked with a smile, he nodded and I stood up.

"Nice pyjamas by the way" James said while looking across the bathroom and laughing, I struck a pose and laughed with him.

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