Henry glares at his laughing brother. “Should I tell her about how when she lapsed into a coma, you sat there every minute until she was awake? Oops! Too late.”

“Thanks bro.” Charles snaps sarcastically, stopping his laughter.


I frown. “When I woke up he wasn’t there.”

“That’s because we had to literally drag him out of the room to get him to eat something.” Edward nods. “I came back in the room for my wallet, and then I saw you awake.”

“Well,” I clap my hands together, “I’m perfectly fine now. No more worries.”

“About that…”

“Shut up Charles. I know.” I roll my eyes.

“About what?” Nell frowns.

“Our parents need to pick the new ruler today, in two hours to be specific. If one of us get’s chosen, we kinda need to marry a total stranger.”

Nell’s mouth drops. “I remember that. Is Clinton apart of this?” Clinton nods. “I’m gonna die alone with only twenty four cats!” She groans, burying her head in Clinton’s chest while he comforts her.

“Correction. I might die alone with only twenty four dogs.”

Charles looks at me weirdly. “Dogs?”

“I hate cats. Nell likes cats, I like dogs.” I tell him.

Charles chuckles and shakes his head. “It’s a good thing I like dogs too.”

“We should all get ready.” Henry points out. “We need to leave soon.”

“Do I have to wear a dress and heels?” I groan while Henry nods. “I absolutely loathe dresses.”

“I think dresses look good on you.” Charles smirks.

“Pervert.” I snap and stand up, Nell following me. “We’ll go get ready.”

Just as we’re stepping out of the living room, I hear Charles yell, “Wear something short!”


“Now Nora,” Nell starts. “You need to wear what I’m about pick out for you. If you want to see Charles’s eyes pop out of his head, you’ll wear this.”

She pulls out a white strapless dress that goes a little above my knees. On the right side, there’s black flowers that go up to the side of my shoulder, off the dress. There’s a black belt hugging the waist to match, and black heels.

“Fine.” I mutter that one word, quickly changing into the dress.

Nell squeals in happiness. “Great! Now I’ll do your hair and makeup.” She sits me down and curls my hair so it flows like a waterfall over my shoulders. She puts on black eyeliner, mascara, and eye shadow. And for the final touch, she adds blood red lipstick.

“Wow Nell.” I breath. “You did a fantastic job.”

She snorts. “I know I did. I didn’t waist my whole life, you know. Every time my friends go out to parties I was the one to dress them up. I want to work with makeup and fashion.”

I grin at my sister. “Thanks Nell. Now, I’ll help you with your dress.”

We pick out a black v neck dress that shows off her legs. We add a hat and some stilettos, then straighten her hair. For her makeup, we added smoky black and a light red lipstick.

“We make a good team.” I comment, looking at ourselves in the mirror.

“We do.” She murmurs. “Now! Let’s go give the boys something to drool about.”

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