I'm out

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I am done, I am out, I can't do this anymore , now people hate me, like come on, what the hell did I do, it's like whenever I have my own opinion, you all go like savage at me, like for fucking sake, and you dont even let me explain because you leave cause I done something wrong....and you know what...I don't give a fuck about what you think about my opinions, if I will stay up against you and you will go all mad at me for it, then I don't care, cause it's not fair for me, to make my own opinion and then you go all "thank for that" sarcasticly , like come on, and if you thought I stood against you when I didn't and you didn't let me explain because you wanted to just fucking go all mad at me, then go a head, by doing that, you are showing me that you don't care about me, you just care about me being on your side of the battle, and guess what, I always stay in the middle, cause I don't want to fight against anyone here, so if you are mad about some shit like that, then I dont care, and we can stop talking to each other because you awesly don't care


I tagged you to let you know...Cause I really hate thouse kind of things, cause that's just being selfish

Anyway that's why I'm not so often on wattpad and there are more reasons but I can't be bothered talking about them, and that's the reson I'm angry

Bye now

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