*people throwing at me books* okay fine

61 12 69

Sorry guys .....yes I know, I know, you probably are like "*grabs you by the collar* where the hell were you ?!!?" And well I'm in Edinburgh, yep I'm here to represent the school and also go to primary schools talking about high school life......and to be honest if I could pick what I want to say to them I would say "high school sucks, end your life now" .....jk...or maybe......anyway , since I'm leaving high school this year, forever and ever *throws hands in the air for victory* I'm going to collage ....Yeah......and you are probably like "isn't it too quick?" Well it's not, so I'm going to did

So, since I'm leaving to collage, I'll be coming here very rare , and also since this is happenig , I'll tell you some 5 facts that I think I never told you? Maybe? Anyway let's go

1. I've been in a band , and we broke apart 2 years ago, and no I'm not famous, just in my high school

2. I'm a bad material for a boyfriend , that explains why 3 of the girls I dated, dumped me and the last one is no where to be seen

3. I have a tattoo, yes I do have one, and I already said that is the other chapter with questions, but if you didn't know, then you know it now, and it was for a dare, and it's a moon with snowflake inside , and it's on my back

4. I do have crushes....and I know it's wrong since I have a girlfriend, but did any of you seen her it the past 3 months....no....then you know why I do have

5. My surname starts with a "W" thats all the info you will get

Anyway that's it, boom *explosion is heard* did I do that?


I bet at least some of you thought it was a tag 😄😄😄

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