Well that's new.....nope it's not it's just a tag

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So I got tagged by Nuzhat1009 , thanks for that cause for the first time in forever I was actually waiting for a tag

13 facts about me (I done so many facts about me that I don't know if there is something left for me to say)

1. Well, I am now in the last year of high school which means I have to go to collage ....boo hoo....anyway, since I have a prom coming up that will be on May something, I would really want to kill myself on that day cause I have no one to go with, unless you suggest me going with Elsa, which she dosent have someone to go with her too, and she is in my year, and she is my cousin....ha so guess what I figured out with who I will go.....damn I'm smart

2. I am the type of person that will feel guilty for the rest of my life if I won't tell the truth to someone or do something, cause then I have to be forgiven to actually feel better

3. One person that I care about left me, when I actually needed this person, this person just cares about , not me I guess

4. I was in a band, I played the bass guitar and I was kinda the lead singer with my cousin Elsa, but she mostly sang songs .

5. Since I started walking  I use to never fall over or anything , but then my cousin accidentally put leg in front of me and that's when my clumsiness started, I was 5 when it happened

6. Once I got picked to go to a primary school, to show what high school student looks like and behave , I had to tell them how it is and what made me so smart and how to get good grades and how to prepare for tests and ect., and because of me being the most clumsy person in my school, when I had the chance to walk in the 3rd schools class (cause we visited like 7 schools) I triped over making children laugh and teachers worried or they where glaring at me

7. When it comes to me having a bad mood , I would just need to get help , or go to someone and talk about it....mostly I lock myself in my room when I have bad mood but whatever

8. I get really pissed off when I hear so many lies from people, like they tell me about something that happened, but I can tell they are lying to me and making stuff up, I just hate it

9. Since I was 3 I had and still have my best friends Annabelle, and I never dated her , and I knew her for 15 years now  and I still didn't date her.....that's suprising

10. I'm the worst at organizing things that I need to ask my sister to organize stuff for me

11. I might seem happy sometimes but inside I am sad, my parents think that I am happy they got divorced, which is true cause I told them that, but it still hurts

12. My sister is like my life, if you hurt her, I'll break your neck, if you make her feel sad, I'll end your life, same goes with my wattpad sister and my wattpad mum and my wattpad daughter.

13. I hate painting , or the smell of mail polish. I am bad at painting, when I paint I always put my hand accidentally put my hand on the wet spot and then I ruin it, thats why my teacher told me that I can color things in with pencils but not with paint, and the smell of nail polish makes me sick

Here you go, 13 facts about lame me, I don't know why would you waist your time reading facts about me, but okay

I will tag everyone that sees this cause I can't be bothered tagging people here , that most of the time they don't do it or they did it already so yeah bye

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