Ellie Says -42-

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Though Taylor Swift wasn't even born until nearly fifteen years after the time this story is taking place I just had to add this song to this chapter due to certain lyrics that reminded me of Ellie and Cara ;-)


It had been quite a busy Friday starting with Cara traveling on foot to take care of a couple errands while Ellie slept in the backseat within the lot belonging to a city park. Returning, she briefly explained her plan before she and Ellie went to the public restroom and a stall where she occupied the toilet lid while her girlfriend gave her a haircut. Of course it took some convincing since Ellie made it abundantly clear she was not anywhere close to being a professional hairdresser.

Currently, longer hairdos were in for males, but Cara wanted to shy away from the trend, instead desiring a haircut reminiscent of James Dean. Recalling her Rebel Without a Cause inspired hairstyle from Halloween Ellie got to work using not only the scissors but other instruments and products Cara had purchased. Only previous hair cutting experience she had involved giving Robyn bangs about a year ago, it took her a while to complete Cara's new look, anxiousness climbing with each snip.

Afterward, they cleaned up the hair, exited the restroom and climbed back into the car minutes later merging onto the freeway. Ten miles of driving delivering them into the next town, they located a bus station and decided to leave the car in a grocery store parking lot across the street. License plates removed and discarded in a dumpster behind the store and all personal items including the remainder of unsold marijuana collected, they walked into the bus station and women's restroom.

Since Cara tended not to wear feminine clothing it wasn't vital to go shopping. Therefore she used a roll of cloth bandaging she purchased from the five-and-dime to flatten her chest and situated a rolled up sock inside her underwear before pulling on a pair of blue jeans, a white T-shirt and a plaid flannel shirt with the sleeves folded to just below her elbows. Shortened hair combed, sunglasses slid on and having applied zero makeup, she walked out the stall when she and Ellie had the restroom to themselves.

Hands stuffed into jeans pockets Cara struck what she hoped was a masculine pose. "How do I look?" she asked, intentionally deepening her voice.

Ellie had to gather her jaw from the floor in order to respond. "Damn." A pair of glasses and a bulge added to her stomach area were Ellie's only alterations. She held concerns those wouldn't be enough until Cara assured her it would be fine. With her own alterations no one would pay them much if any attention as they would merely look like a young heterosexual couple expecting a baby.

"Is that a good or bad damn, baby?" Although she wasn't yet aware of what her girlfriend meant by the one word answer she wore a slight smile.

"Good." Ellie nodded, eyes sweeping along Cara's length several times. "So, so very good. You look...hot."

The slight smile switched into a grin. "Hot? You really think your fiance is hot?"

She nodded again and approached her. "Don't get me wrong. I love and prefer the female version of you, but this...I could deal with this for a while. So," fingers brushed Cara's cheek and down the side of her neck, "what's your name, handsome?"

She had thought about making the easy switch to Carl, but decided that was too close to her real name. Plus, though she didn't have anything against it she didn't wish to be referred by it. While in the passenger seat Cara selected her new name, a smile forming as a first and surname rolled through her brain.

"Paul Finnigan."

Ellie softly repeated it then a prompt smile displayed. "I like it." Following a brief pause she added, "Actually, I love it. You chose that because of your mom, right? Pauline?"

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