What Happens in the Basement -14-

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Looking for all the world like a miniature bouncer, Robyn stood next to the door, which led to the Roundtree basement. Thus far, Cara, Kirk, Scott and Barb had already entered as well as a classmate named Mateo. Robyn didn't know him very well, but she had a specific purpose for inviting him to the party and was quite glad when he accepted the invitation to join the eighteen and under crowd in the basement.

The first year Robyn held what she referred to as the Halloween basement bash was during their freshman year in an attempt to get Ellie focused on something fun considering the recent deaths of her parents. Delighted it worked as her friend beamed and laughed more than she had in all the weeks combined following their passing she opted to make the basement bash a tradition. She almost cancelled it last year due to Ellie's abortion five days prior to Halloween, but was surprised when her grieving friend insisted that the underground party commence.

Her name called, Robyn looked toward the right, a smile curving her lips when she spotted Ellie and their mutual friend Regina headed in her direction. Having spent a good amount of time comforting her since she and her boyfriend of three years split yesterday due to long distance woes with him being a college freshman back East, Regina looked much better though her eyes were still reddish from all the tears.

Folding her in a hug, Robyn promised her that it would be all right. Hug returned they spent a few seconds holding one another before Robyn encouraged the pair to head down to the basement announcing she would join them soon. They were halfway down the stairs when one of her least favorite family members approached wearing a smirk as though she suspected they were about to have words.

"Denise, you're in college." How she managed to get into college perplexed Robyn as she couldn't recall her ever studying and she took so many sick days one would think she was constantly at the hospital. She thought her mom might have had something to do with Denise being admitted since she was a student at the school she taught, but when she inquired and Evelyn looked as though she had just been seriously asked if cows could produce chocolate milk she had her answer.

Wasn't she supposed to be a model anyway? Robyn lost track how many times Denise bragged over obtaining one modeling contract or another. She carried her portfolio around like it was a large credit card with a limitless line of credit.

"So?" The smirk persisted. "Never been to one of your little basement parties, but I'm familiar with the rules. All participants must be eighteen years of age or younger. Doesn't matter if I'm in college. I won't be nineteen until December." She stepped closer to her younger cousin. "This is my last chance to attend so I'm coming in, short stuff. Doubt you'll have anything exciting down there, but I'm curious." Lightly tapping Robyn's cheek and ignoring her growl she walked passed her, heading down the stairs.

A few minutes passed without any other teenagers coming over so Robyn was about to enter when she noticed Joanne signaling her to wait with one of two disposable cups. She surmised something stronger than soda might have been in those cups based on the girl's slightly crooked grin. When she was close enough Robyn peered into the cups, sighing at the blue liquid within.

There were two folding tables laden with drinks. One was clearly marked non-alcoholic and the other marked for adults only. On the latter table was a giant bowl filled with a blue liquid Theo and Evelyn created. Robyn didn't have a clue what it consisted of, but the beverage was a hit every Halloween. She knew it must have been extremely potent since instead of the regular red, plastic cups there were mini cups next to the blue drink. Joanne had two of the regular cups almost filled to the brim.

Try as she might, Robyn couldn't convince Joanne to give her the beverages. The stubborn teen insisted they were hers and she had every intention of going into the basement with them. The basement hostess might have made further pleas but a glance over Joanne's shoulder assured her that Jeffrey quickly approached.

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