Rebel With a Cause -12-

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Having decided not to attend Joanne's Halloween bash on Friday she had every intention of merely passing out candy Thursday evening until Ellie approached her at school yesterday to invite her to the party Robyn's parents were holding on Halloween. Every Halloween no matter what day it fell on they held a party, even giving out prizes in the form of Mrs. Roundtree's yummy homemade baked goods for a few of the best costumes.

Cara would have hesitated accepting the invitation if it weren't for the brief yet pleasant conversation she had with Robyn first thing Monday morning. Instead of Doug accosting her in the parking lot she discovered the object of her affection's best friend seated atop the hood of her car four parking spaces away. The moment their eyes met Robyn crooked a finger at her. Swallowing a sigh since she expected this would be another warning talk Cara headed in her direction.

She was uncertain which surprised her more between the hug and the apology. The hug occurring first, Robyn then stepped back and apologized for the way she behaved when she arrived uninvited at Cara's house. For a moment Cara thought Ellie might have told her that Dennis took out his frustration over her early morning visit on his daughter's mouth, but then realized Robyn didn't know about the punch. The apology referred to her warning Cara to keep an intimate distance from her friend.

The telephone conversation they had Saturday following Cara finding an inebriated Ellie in the park coupled with Ellie filling Robyn in about the lovely weekend spent with Cara had her friend changing her opinion of their relationship. She basically informed Cara that whatever happened between she and Ellie was none of her business. She wouldn't interfere as long as Ellie seemed content with whatever went on between them.

What was going on between she and Ellie, Cara wondered while perusing Halloween costumes on Tuesday afternoon. Although greeting her with a hug and a kiss to the cheek yesterday and today at school they weren't a couple. Although the chain and key pendant given to her remained around her neck Cara was certain they didn't have a commitment--they were allowed to see other people. However, the idea of sleeping with anyone didn't interest her in the least bit. Today Joanne gave her the look she had come to know so well (the 'I want you as soon as possible' look) yet Cara pretended she hadn't noticed and resumed chatting with Kirk while eating lunch.

"Hey, Cara, what about this for you?"

Catching the amusement in his voice, she turned to face Kirk who insisted they go shopping although she tried telling him that she planned on wearing the pirate costume she donned last year while passing out candy at home. She rolled her eyes upon seeing the little black dress Kirk held up on a hanger. "Are you kidding me, dude?" Cara hadn't worn a dress since she was five and she had every intention of it remaining that way.

"What?" He feigned innocence. "It's a 1920's flapper costume. Could be cute. Find you one of those feather headbands they wore along with a cigarette'll be bitchin'!"

"Then you wear it." Speaking of feathers Cara could have been knocked over with one when without much hesitation her best friend accepted Robyn's invite to her Halloween party. Knowing he wasn't big on socializing she was quite thrilled he agreed to come.

"Oh please, honey. I so do not have the legs for this dress. Plus I'd have to shave them, which is such a pain. Then there's that all important decision--to shave above the knee or not to shave?" Kirk managed to maintain a serious expression about three and a half seconds before laughter burst from his mouth.

Joining in, Cara stepped toward him and took the dress from him, quick to return it to the rack. This costume store claiming to be the largest in the city certainly she would find something she loved. Something with pants.

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