A Long Night -37-

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Though she didn't recall falling asleep she must have, because upon opening her good eye she discovered herself alone in the car. The darkness not helping her vision, she was about to open the door and exit when she spotted Ellie with a grown man walking beside her. Immediately on alert she leaned forward and did her best to ignore the pain it caused. Gun tugged from her waistband, she placed a finger on its trigger while removing herself from the car as quickly as possible.

Barrel trained at his head both he and Ellie came to an abrupt stop with about ten feet between them and Cara. Ellie decreased the distance a couple more feet, indicating for the other girl to look at her. Though Cara complied she kept the gun in the same position.

"Cara, he's not gonna hurt you."

She appeared unconvinced. "Why was he walking next to you?" She then took notice of the fact Ellie didn't appear upset. "You know him?" Cara came up with two ideas when she saw him. Either he was a police officer without the standard uniform or some nefarious dude who saw a young girl out alone at night and decided to take advantage. Either way she thought it wise to reveal herself along with the gun.

Ellie nodded and looked toward the man whose worry was quite visible thanks to nearby streetlamps. She swore the few streaks of gray in his hair had doubled as he stared toward the weapon. "This is Doctor Nicholas Booker." She pointed toward a building not far from where she parked Cara's car. "He works at the clinic my parents opened. A longtime friend of theirs. I told him what happened tonight and he's agreed to help us." Though her suspicion lessened Cara hadn't lowered the gun. "We can trust Nick. He's met us here to give you medical treatment. Please put that away."

"Cara," Nicholas dared to take a step forward, "if it would make you feel better you can remain holding the gun, but could you point it toward the ground? I haven't wet my pants since I was six, so wouldn't want to break a forty year record." A smile curved his lips as he could tell she struggled to hide one. He breathed a sigh of relief when the barrel focused on the sidewalk.

"My apologies, Dr. Booker. Been a really stressful night and my head is all fucked up. Pardon the language."

Sympathy sprang to his face. "It's all right, sweetie. Ellie told me everything and I completely understand. Let's get you inside and checked out."

Though she and Ellie had battled with a couple male monsters earlier Cara decided to trust Nicholas by putting the gun in the glove compartment before following him to the clinic with Ellie at her side helping her to walk.


An examination along with an X-ray revealed one fractured rib, the source of Cara's difficulty breathing and chest pain. Wrapping her chest and stating it should heal on its own within four to six weeks, Nicholas gave her a bottle of painkillers without writing a prescription since that would leave evidence she had been there.

Cleansing the multiple wounds caused by broken bits of glass, he stitched up her hand along with a couple of the more serious facial injuries confident all of them would heal and considerably fade with time. Gauze wrapped around her hand, Cara was given a tube of an antibiotic ointment to apply to all cuts.

Because the doctor had chosen to offer her pain relief through an injection she was feeling much better by the time she and Ellie prepared to leave. Although Nicholas suggested they reside at the clinic until morning they insisted on getting out of Maythorn as soon as possible. The quicker they left hopefully the more difficult it would be to locate them once Dennis and Jeff's bodies were discovered.

Although he had written instructions Nicholas chose to recite them as well. If Cara started experiencing such symptoms as pain so intense she was unable to deeply breathe or cough, developed a fever or shortness a breath regardless of them being on the lam Ellie had to get her to a doctor. Once the stitched injuries healed he advised they could remove the sutures themselves with two simple tools--a pair of scissors and tweezers. Having an orange handy Nicholas demonstrated how to achieve suture removal.

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