Pinky Promise -41-

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Bandaged hand clutching the door, she switched between staring through the windshield and shutting her eyes. She wanted to look yet at the same time didn't. Another glance toward the speedometer let her know they were still traveling above the speed limit. In fact, that number may have been a record.

Fingers nervously drumming, she eyed the driver's side profile. Hands at ten and two on the steering wheel she stared straight ahead, occasionally checking the rearview and side mirrors though at that time of night they pretty much had the road to themselves. Although it was clear she heard her, she didn't respond to her name being called until the fourth time.

"What is it, Cara?"

The passenger winced. Sharp. That response was far too sharp, which meant her suspicions were correct. Ellie was pissed off with her. Why? She wasn't certain. She had been icy since their interaction with that dumbass Neville guy in the motel parking lot. Once she checked his license and suggested they drive him home, she said very little and now hours later Cara doubted two-hundred words had passed her lips.

"Is something bothering you?" Cara sharply inhaled when the car veered toward the right, within seconds coming to a screeching halt on the side of the quiet, dark road. Brake applied and keys dropped on the dashboard, Ellie unbuckled her seatbelt and wordlessly left the car, slamming the door with enough force Cara winced again.

At first she just sat there watching her march away, the headlights making it possible to view her progress. When a tiny voice encouraged her to follow Cara rushed from the car calling out to the other girl as she jogged toward her ignoring her chest, which disapproved. "Ellie, come on! Talk to me!" She gratefully stopped jogging the moment Ellie turned around. The headlights shining upon her face clearly showed anger.

"Fly or die, Cara. You agreed to fly or die!"

"It still remains. I'm in total agreement, baby. We're a team."

"Are we?" Walking back to her Ellie paused when there was an arm's length of space between them. "You ever heard of the phrase there's no I in team?" Cara opened her mouth, then snapped it shut and simply nodded. "Since we're supposed to be a team I've been wondering why I heard 'I' earlier. You said you killed Dennis. Why did you do that? To protect me?" Ellie shook her head. "Yes, we should protect each other, but I don't want you lying about that. I don't want that sort of protection from you. Support me but don't shield me."

"Ellie, I was only trying to--"

"Shoulder the blame." Speaking of shoulder, she reached out to clutch both of Cara's. "You protected me from Jeff and I protected you from Dennis. You're not saying you killed them both. If asked I would admit what I did. If we're to truly be a team I need you to respect my wishes and an important wish of mine is that you not do that again. Understood?"

"I'm sorry."

"I don't need you to be sorry. I need you to promise me. Need you to hold onto your word with both hands."

Arms folded against her chest Cara regarded the visibly annoyed girl. "Let's say an officer somehow got in contact with you and offered a deal. You take total responsibility and in return you'll receive a lighter sentence and I wouldn't have to serve a day behind bars. Are you saying you wouldn't agree to that?" Arms unfolded she placed her hands on either side of Ellie's waist. "Not that I think I'm worth it, but I am confident you love me just that much," she admitted in a soft voice.

"Cara," she cupped her face, thumbs brushing back and forth, "first, an officer wouldn't offer a deal because that isn't their job. It would be up to the prosecutor. Second, your hypothetical is neither here nor there. Third, you're worth everything and anything."

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