Nothing Important Is Happening Today -34A-

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Making sure the robe was secure covering both legs and arms, Ellie peered through the peephole before unlocking and opening the door with a drowsy smile pasted on. Relieved her best friend stood there alone, she peered around her to spot Joanne seated in the passenger seat. Their eyes meeting, she returned Joanne's smile and wave.

"Morning, Robbie." Palm covering her mouth she feigned a yawn. "I'm sorry I didn't call you to save you the trip. Should have called last night 'cause I decided then I wasn't going to school today."

Concern written all over her face, she scanned Ellie's ashen one. "Are you all--" Robyn shook her head. "Of course you're not all right because you look like death warmed over. What's wrong, babe?" Hazel eyes narrowed. "My bat is still in the car," she murmured. "Did that son of a bitch do something to you?" The petite teenager appeared ready to retrieve her bat and march into that house for more bodily baseball practice.

"No," Ellie rushed to say, hoping she hadn't done so too quickly. "Jeff is fine. In fact, I threw up on him earlier and he took it all in stride. Been really helpful." Discovering hers hands had started shaking she plunged them into deep pockets.

"That's nice." A sarcastic tone belied Robyn's response. "The least he could do considering he's the scum--"

"Anyway," Ellie hurried to interrupt, "remember how I had to run to the nearest bathroom when we arrived at school yesterday?"

"You said the dinner from the previous night might not have agreed with you."

Ellie nodded. "I no longer think it was the fish upsetting me. Since I'm experiencing chills, body aches, have a temperature...think I've caught a stomach bug. Everything has come up except my internal organs."

"You poor thing."

When Robyn stretched out her arms and stepped forward as though to embrace her Ellie shook her head. "Don't come any closer in case it's contagious."

"Anything I can do for you? I know." Robyn's eyes lit up in response to a forming idea. "How about I stay here to take care of you? I can skip school. Nothing important is happening today."

"So sweet of you, Robbie, but I'll be fine. Just going to spend the day drinking liquids, watching television and dozing. Please go to school." She pointed toward her friend's car. "Jo's waiting."

"Come by later to check on you?"

"I'll probably feel better tomorrow so see you in the morning."

"In other words no." She smirked while Ellie released a short chuckle. "Could I at least call you tonight to see how you are? Or you call me?" Once Ellie promised to call her despite the warning of possible contagion Robyn sneaked forward to deliver a kiss to a pale cheek. She was about to turn when her name was called. "Yeah, babe?"

Leaning against the door-frame Ellie produced a genuine smile. "Thank you for always being there for me. You're my best friend and you always will be. I love you."

Those words should have sent warmth washing through Robyn yet they had the opposite effect. She just wasn't able to put her finger on why. Part of her wanted to demand to be let into that house where she would stick to Ellie like glue the entire day catching the stomach virus be damned. Another part suggested she listen to Ellie, return to her car and drive she and Joanne to school. She wordlessly stood a few seconds before deciding to acquiesce to the other girl's wishes.

"I'll always be there for you. You can always count on me, El, and I love you too. Talk later?" When Ellie promptly agreed she smiled, took one last look at her, turned and headed back to her car.

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